the last day of sophomore year

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May 2013: it was the next to last day of school and everyone in the room was either texting away on their cellphones or bored out of their mind. well, really only a couple of people were texting, the rest of us were bored out of our minds and looking for something, anything to do to entertain ourselves for the next hour and a half, we had to stay in the room. there weren't very many people in there, I could name most of them right off the top of my head. our small group of random people had by now gravitated to the platform in the middle of the room, it was me, Avery, Charlie, Chris, Chris,

Joe, Amber, Jessica, Wes, and lily five of us sat in a circle of chairs in a corner; me, Chris, Joe, Chris, and Avery, the others sat on walls surrounding us. I got out my phone, and started playing music, from there it was a game that went something like this: pick a song, awkwardly hold the phone for five minutes, pass phone to someone else, repeat until everyone has picked a song except for the person whose phone it is. I finally broke in on Chris's second or third turn with it

"can I pick a song, now?" I asked him

"sure." he said

he tossed me the phone and I played the cupid shuffle(baby bash remix) for like five minutes then quickly changed the song to something else as I didn't really feel like doing that dance at the moment, but that didn't exactly work.

last couple days of school rule #1. don't play the cupid shuffle or the cha cha slide unless you plan on doing the dance

five seconds later:

lily: we should do the cupid shuffle

I reluctantly pull my phone back out and press play, then Avery or one of the other peoples I don't recall who grabs it and hooks it up to a tiny speaker that just happens to be sitting on the wall. so, I thought we were just gonna do the cupid shuffle and that would be the end of it, but before I knew it the mood in the room had gone from let's go moon a teacher just to see what they would do to, we're drunk on boredom, so let's just turn it into a party. we did the cupid shuffle, the cha cha slide, jump on it, the jerk, and the Harlem shake, then we just played random songs on other peoples' phones chosen by majority vote until someone said "does anyone know footloose?" only one other person raised their hand, so we were done with the music and dancing.

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