excuse me what?

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I was sitting on the front porch steps with my boyfriend, in my soccer jersey, my comfy purple jeans, and my "ghetto" black zipper heals. we were having yet another random conversation full of silence and awkwardness. so this was the awkward part of the conversation, the only part I actually remember:

Cole: I lost my virginity

me: okay(you did what?)


a few moments after his little confession we were just Sitting there On the steps kissing, As if nothing had been said. suddenly, I heard Maroon 5" she will be loved"playing in the background, it was my cell phone and I'd forgotten to turn it off before he arrived "I'm gonna go turn that off," I said. I got up from my spot on the steps, then went towards the door and tried to open it, but unfortunately, it was locked so, I couldn't turn it off. the music continued to play for the whole time he was there and I just decided to ignore it. I went back to my seat next to my bf on the steps, and we continued what we'd begun a few moments before, then he just decided it was

naughty time. at first, he was pulling the front of my shirt out and sneaking a peek at my breasts, but that was something he did all the time and I was used to that by now, it was the other thing he did that shocked me and calmed me at the same time. he unzipped my pants, stuck a couple of his fingers through a hole in my panties and started rubbing them gently over the front of my ass


Dec.19,2012: the day after the confession and I was at church. My crush, Adam and I were hanging out outside and we were talking about random things as usual. Anyways he asked me to hug him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and buried my face in his chest. It might've felt normal to him, but for me, it felt like I had nearly knocked him down with my embrace because it was something I'd been wanting to do for at least three years. Then he was like

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I didn't say a word, he was right, I was enjoying it, I just wanted to stay in that moment forever. then again as everyone knows all good things must come to an end, no matter how much you wish they didn't have to. I had to go back home and so did he, we let go and walked away from each other. When he left my mom was obviously confused as to who my boyfriend was. Mom conversation:

Mom: so, is Adam, your boyfriend or is Cole?

me: Cole (I wish it were Adam)


Three-way Car convo.:

me:(throws up in mouth a little) that was nasty

Sister: what?

me: I just threw up in my mouth a little

Grandma: what's she doing

sister: she's throwing up in her mouth because she hugged Adam and not Cole


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