Tiny Satan #1

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    Laying your suitcase down on the floor, you sit down on top of it, resting you chin in your palms. "So, I guess we aren't gunna get along too well huh?" You hum watching the tiny demon's face. "Really sucks. I have zero idea how to take care of you. Hell I don't even know how to take care of regular kids! How does he expect me to take care of you?" You rake a hand through you hair, tilting your head at Law. "Can you even talk? You're so tiny, but you seem to understand me well enough." Law just blinks at you before holding up his hand, making a bubble expand around you both before suddenly disappearing, leaving a teddy bear in his place. He looks at your back before hobbling to the toys and plopping down to play.

"What the?!" You look at the teddy bear a little confused before turning around. "Okay, well I'll take that as a no then...what the hell do I do with you?" You sigh, watching him play with several small toys. "Guess I'll just...sit here and watch you?" Law sends you an annoyed look before throwing a stuffed animal at your head with a grumpy grumble.

"Up..." You catch the stuffed animal, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. The hell was that supposed to mean? You shrug. Mihawk or whatever his name was had said the little one didn't like being touched, so you assumed he wasn't asking to be picked up. You tap your fingers along your chin, wondering what it was he was telling you before it clicked and you glared. He was telling you to shut up? A quiet "Rude." Was all you muttered, crossing your legs underneath you. The toddler smirks before getting up and making another bubble form around you both. He points at you making all the toys in the area fly at you. You glare at the toddler. Covering your head as much as you could to stop the impact of the toys.

"Oh you pain in the ass." You growl, not really sure how to stop the small child. "Tiny Satan doesn't even begin to cover you."

"Bye bye." He smiles cutely and you're suddenly outside the building, looking at a reddish desert town. Law hums to himself, hobbling over to the kitchen area and pulling the fridge open only to frown at the unmade foods. It would appear that he needed the caretaker for something after all.

You growl, walking forward and opening the door to the nursery again. You couldn't see Law in the main room that you had been in, making you a bit worried as to where the small child had wandered off to. Walking around, you hear something in the kitchen. You walk over leaning against the door, a small smirk on your face.

"Oh did you need help with something?" Law sends you a small glare before pulling back.

"Oo!" He demands, pointing at the fridge, small tail smacking the floor impatiently. You raise an eyebrow at his demand looking in the fridge at the random food placed on the shelves.

"Okay. Can you at least point at what you want? I have no clue what to feed you." Law looks up at you before humming long and looking at the food.

"Ri-baa!" He says looking up at you again.

"Right cause I totally understand that." You huff looking at the food in the fridge again trying to find what he was asking for. Spotting some rice in a bowl you raise an eyebrow looking down at him. "Riceball? At least I know how to make that." He nods before hobbling back to the play area to play with the toys that were now everywhere. He sits down and looks back before starting to rip the stuffed animals apart, babbling to himself with a sinister smirk.

A few seconds after you start making him food, you look over, rolling your eyes. Of course he would do that. You huff. This was only one? How many would there be? You start to regret making the deal with Shanks thinking it may have just been better to bleed out on the floor of that jewelry store. Hadn't Mihawk said this one was well behaved aside from being a little moody. If this was well behaved, you didn't want to see those that weren't. Finishing up the food, you walk back into the room, setting the plate in front of him and backing away. "There. I'm just gunna....go sit over there." You say, pointing at a chair on the other side of the room. Law blinks at it before looking up at you, offering you one as he munches on the other.

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