All Grown Up

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Law wakes up, stretching again and looking around sleepily. "Mm? Zoro?" He murmurs sitting up. Gone. Not good. He looks at you before moving to get down from the bed, hand slipping and he just falls off with a thud. "... I hate being little...." He grumbles and pauses, touching his lips, his speech was better today, he would change soon.

Hearing the light thud, you roll over, cracking your eyes open. Neither of the small demons were in the bed which had you worried. You sit up, spotting Law on the floor next to the bed, but the green haired demon was nowhere in sight. "Where is Zoro?" You ask with a small yawn.

"I don't know...." He sighs getting up and rubbing the back of his head. Felt weird speaking like this all of a sudden. "I'll find him." He manages before hobbling out to search for Zoro. "Zoro?" He squeaks out. Your eyes widen slightly at his speech, a little surprised by the sudden ability to speak in complete sentences. Stretching, you get out of bed and follow after him.

Looking for the green haired demon as well. Law frowns lightly, something catches his ear and he goes to a cabinet and opens it. He deadpans when he finds Zoro drinking booze. Zoro blinks at him and offers a wave. ".... Found him!" Zoro blinks at Law's speech, pulling his lips from the beer bottle to frown at Law.

"No! No 'air!" He bursts. Law smirks in response.

"Yep!" He boasts. You give the tiny green haired demon a small frown.

"Alcohol? Really? Is that even..." You sigh. It wasn't like they were normal human children...perhaps that meant they could drink alcohol? You had no clue...

"He always drinks." Law shrugs. "I want food!" He adds to you demanding.

"Bwat." Zoro huffs at him, rolling his eyes.

"Right..." You hum, looking down at Law. Now that he could talk more fluidly, his demands weren't as cute. "What do you want this morning?"

"... No clue." He admits and Zoro sweatdrops.

"Ommmmette? Pwease?" The greenest squeaks to you, putting down the now empty bottle.

"Yeah! Make us that!" Law says, looking up at you. You just nod, grabbing the ingredients and making an omelette for each of you. Once you're done making them, you set them on the table and look over at the two of them. "Eat up."

"'Ank you." Zoro hums before digging in.

"Looks good." Law smiles starting to eat hungrily.

"Good. I'm glad you like it." You tell Law, sitting down and starting to eat. "I wonder how today will go..." It hadn't been such a bad day yesterday, so maybe today would go well too.

Law hums tilting his head as he eats. "Hmm... As long as it's not Kid...." He smirks. "Compared to him I'm angel."

"Yep!" Zoro chirps, cheerfully.

"Kid...I'll have to remember that." You hum, standing from the table and taking the empty plates to the sink. "Alright you two, get changed and we will head over there."

"Kay!" The boys hum before going to do so. Zoro gives a frown when Law starts to help him dress.

"I can. I can." He grumbles.

"But I have to help the baby." Law teases. Zoro glares at that.

"Wanna fight?" He growls. Law just smirks and ruffles the smaller demons hair.

"Cute." You say to yourself, grabbing something to change into and going into the bathroom. After you change and make yourself presentable, you walk back into the bedroom looking between the two. "Ready?"

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