Good Day! Mostly!

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When you wake up the next morning, you find yourself still on the couch in the movie room, cuddled in between Ace and Sabo. Ace was still asleep for the time being, but you were pretty sure Sabo was already awake. Sitting up you look at the blond. "Goo' mownin'" He smiles.

"Good morning beautiful." He pecks your forehead. "Killer is starting on breakfast, and I don't think Kid has left yet."

"Das good." You hum, sliding down from the couch. "I go say hi. Let evewyone sleep for while." Sabo smiles before following after you. You spot Kid first, walking up and hugging his leg. "Mownin'" You hum, peeking around the cabinet to see Killer, giving the man a wave. "What fow bweakfast?" Kid blinks in surprise before carefully picking you up.

"Morning, I wasn't expecting you to be up already..." Kid breathes. "He's making crepes he said. Whatever those are." He adds.

"Oh yum." You smile, leaning against Kids chest. "You will like. They good."

"I would but I should get to-"

"Hang out you have an hour." Sabo nudges him.

"Yeah!" You pout at him, crossing your arms. "You stay and has breakfast for you leave." He shifts awkwardly, looking away.

"Alright alright, d-don't pout..." He mumbles.

"Otay." You say, leaning against him again to watch Killer cook. Kid sits down, moving you to his lap.

"What the hell did they put on you? This doesn't suit you." He huffs at the dress. You look down at the dress, shrugging.

"I no know. Is not my idea." You huff, tugging at the bottom hem of the dress.

"I... I did get you a onesie..." He murmurs, "Its prison outfit. I thought it would be funny." You blink at him, tilting your head a little.

"I see?"

"You know, because you used to be a trouble maker." He murmurs, blushing lightly. Giggling, you nod.

"Das vewy twue. Can I see? I weaw today!" He smiles, picking you up and heading into your room, retrieving the onesie from the closet.

"Here you are." He gives you the onesie. "You got it?" You look at it, smiling and nodding.

"I gots it." You tell him, waving you hand to shoo him from the room before starting to tug at the dress from the day before. Kid nods and goes out, closing the door behind him. You tug off the dress after some time, almost falling a few times. Huffing at the frilly piece of material, you set it on the floor before pulling in the onesie, smiling at it. You knock on your door, a little upset you were unable to reach the knob yourself still. "Otay. All done." Kid opens it and chuckles.

"Aww little prisoner, can I take a picture?" He crouches down with a smirk. You nod with a wide smile.

"O' course." He takes out his phone and snaps a picture before picking you up and carrying you out to the kitchen. Killer gushes slightly, kissing your cheek. You giggle, tugging at the front of the onesie happily. "I like. Tank you." You hum, kissing Kids cheek. "It suit me." Kid blushes lightly and smiles.

"Yeah, no problem." He hums, setting you in a chair where a fancy breakfast plate sat.

"You realize we're having breakfast and not a food fashion show right?" Zoro comments coming in.

"I can have fun cooking." Killer huffs. You poke at the plate, a small smile on your face.

"I think is pwetty." You hum, looking up at Zoro. "Mownin'"

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