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    Killer peers at you quietly, little wings fluttering as he climbs onto the bed, crawling over to you and watching your face silently before maneuvering under your arm and cuddling you. "Mine..." You blink awake, looking over at the small blonde.

"Mmm, morning." You hum, yawning and looking around the room, not remembering how you had gotten here. "Just you awake?" He pouts lightly and nods in response. He hadn't expected you to wake so easily. You yawn, getting comfortable again. "Back to sleep then." You mumble, not really ready to get up yet. Killer hums and yawns quietly, getting comfortable as well, cuddling you with a small smile. Then an angry yowl sounds, shaking the whole place. Killer pauses and sits up before bolting out swiftly.

"Kid!" You jump upright in the bed, looking around.

"Kid?" You question, looking through the door Killer had disappeared through, rubbing your eyes. "I guess that means no sleeping in today..."

"Gah! Kid stop! I'm sorry!" Shanks gasps, dodging knives that flew around the kitchen.

"No! No! No!" The toddler yowls angrily.

"Hi Kid!" Killer chirps.

"Hi Kiwwer.... Die 'Anks!" The rowdy baby shouts.

"Ahhh!" You walk into the kitchen, brushing your hair from your face.

"What the hell is going on so early in the morning?" You grumble, watching the tiny redhead try and impale Shanks.

"Sorry! We can't keep him in his cell today! Please watch him today!" Shanks gasps.

"Go ta 'ell!" Kid shouts at him, sending more metals at the male.

"'Is Kid, ___!" Killer introduces cheerfully not minding the chaos. You blink at Killer, before looking back over to the red head.

"That's fine...why's he so mad?"

"Not sure! Sometimes he just snaps! Could you uh... Get his attention please!?" He gasps, as lightning starts to flicker between the metals. You shrug, not really sure how to make him stop but you'd give it a try.

"Hey...uh Kid right? Can you stop destroying my stuff?" Kid pauses before giving you a thuggish look.

"Hah?" He huffs, knives stopping to point at you. Killer tugs on your hand lightly. Your eyes widen at the knives, looking down at Killer with a raised eyebrow.

"What's up?"

"'Ompiment him." He whispers to you as Kid growls.

"'Ont ignore ee!!" He shouts, shaking everything again. You nod, looking back over to Kid. Compliment? What would he consider a compliment? You sigh, tilting your head.

"Well aren't you a cute little ball of terrifying all wrapped up in a nice red bow. Whatever it is you're doing is pretty interesting too. Making all the knives float around is pretty cool." Kid stops, blinking at you with big red eyes before blushing and looking away swiftly, metals dropping.


"Oh hey! It worked! Thanks a million! And good luck." You stare after Shanks as he leaves before looking back over to the red head.

"Sooo, you hungry or anything? Or did he feed you?" You ask.

"Foob!" He shouts at you.

"Kid... Ee 'ice to ___..." Killer frowns lightly.

"Stop yelling or I'm go ta 'tab you." Zoro grumbles coming out of the room with slitted pupils. You look over at Zoro, smiling softly.

"Morning. You hungry too?" You ask, noticing the change of his eyes. "Looks like you're gunna grow up soon too." He looks up at you with a tired look and grumbles a yes. Killer frowns lightly while Kid begins to rant loudly. You frown, going into the kitchen searching for something to make the three of them. "Toast, eggs, bacon...that sounds good." Kid stomps over to you, glaring up at you with a heavy frown, tail smacking on the floor.

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