And the Schuyler Sisters are the Envy of All

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"Have I mentioned how much I don't want to be forced to watch as these military men parade around you three all evening?" I huffed, sucking in a deep breath as Eliza tightened up my corset to my dress (pictured above) and I grabbed onto one of the nearby chairs.

"It'll be fun," Angelica scolded, sitting on her bed and flipping through one of the books that had made it up to their room from their father's study. "Father said plenty of eligible bachelors will be there. I just want to find one to talk with."

"They'll only be looking at you three," I whined, walking over to the mirror and moving around the curls that had been done by Peggy, as well as the makeup done by Eliza. I never typically put in this much effort in my appearance, normally opting for a simple dress, minimal makeup, and straight hair, but I liked the new look.

"Mary, you look absolutely gorgeous, every guy will be dying to meet the famous Mary Washington," Eliza said, walking up behind me and wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "Stick with me tonight, we'll find you a wonderful guy. Promise."

"If you say so," I nodded, smiling at her through the mirror.


After about an hour of watching as a small group of military men ran circles around the sisters to try and win their affections, I gave up, audibly letting out a sigh that only Eliza heard. She turned from the man she was talking to, grabbing onto my hand.

"Haven't seen anyone yet?" She asked, her voice dropping to a whisper.

"Not really," I mumbled. "Sorry, I don't mean to bring down your night. I'm just tired."

"I know, I know," she answered reassuringly, her eyes traveling over the dance floor until she froze.

"You see someone?" I asked, following her gaze to a group of four men off to the corner, directly across the room from us. They were all laughing, dressed in their military uniforms.

"Yes," she whispered, a small smile on her lips. "The one with the beard, hair pulled back. The one laughing. Beautiful eyes."

"Let's go then," I said, grasping onto her hand and walking with her across the way, her hand trying to tug me back. I approached the group, her in tow, stopping abruptly when they turned to face me, I hadn't thought this far.

"Hello," the man Eliza was staring at said, his face breaking into a smile as he looked at us. I tugged Eliza's hand and she stepped up next to me, smiling as well.

"Elizabeth Schuyler," she said, holding her hand out.

"Alexander Hamilton," the man answered, taking her hand.

"Thank you for all your service," she breathed, a huge smile across her face as he pressed his lips against the back of her hands.

"If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it," he said, Eliza's face turning bright red, his friends chuckling.

"Let's leave them to it, boys," I said, following the remaining three as they walked a few steps away from Eliza and Alexander.

"And you are?" One of them, a tall man with a perfectly trimmed beard and beautiful brown eyes asked. I was taken aback, not by the question, but by his sheer beauty, and the thick French accent that delivered the words.

"Mary Washington," I answered, shaking his hand, biting my lip to hold back a huge smile as he kissed my hand as Alexander had done to Eliza.

"Washington, as in daughter of George Washington?" A shorter, freckled man asked, earning a nod from me.

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