Work, Work

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The Schuylers and I stayed up all night discussing the ins and outs of the evening and who we had spent it with. Eliza and Alexander had spent the entire night together, dancing and talking, while Peggy and Laurens danced a few dances and spent the rest of the night chatting. Angelica had also met a man, one not introduced to any of us yet, but she described Mr. Church somewhat fondly.

Angelica also told me of all the details she knew of Lafayette, which was not much, but due to her knowing all the gossip, she knew of his kind heart and mild mannered temperament, which made me smile. I told her of the kiss, earning an exited squeal, and how he promised to try and visit, or to write at least.

"Father invited Alexander to dinner next week," Eliza piped up as we all laid in our respective beds, me next to her in her bed, as I was only visiting for the weeks coming up to my fathers deployment and the few months he would be gone. "Your father as well, and some of his soldiers. Your Marquis will be there too," She whispered, taking notice that we were the only ones awake.

With that said, I smiled and scooted closer to her in bed, dropping my voice to a whisper.

"I saw William tonight," I whispered, the smile on her face dropping immediately.

"Did he touch you? I swear if he did I'll-"

"Liza, no, it was brief. He walked up to me, touched my cheek, told me I looked beautiful," I said, my hands clutching the sheets as I thought of him. "Lafayette noticed how uncomfortable I was, he shifted himself in front of me, and asked him to leave me alone."

"Did he ask about your history with William?"

"I told him it was a story for another time." I answered, biting my lip. "I don't want him to think less of me."

"He won't think less of you, my dear," Eliza said, grabbing onto my hand. "You are not to blame for anything that he did to you."

"I know," I whispered, taking in a shaky breath. "I just want to enjoy the weeks I have with him. I'm sure we won't see each other too often, Father has told me that he has high expectations for this troop, that they should be working up until they leave."

"Alexander told me that as well," Eliza nodded. "Father told me to consider tomorrow as the last day, and then we'll be able to officially say goodbye to them on the morning they set out."

"I'm worried, Liza."

"Me too."

It seemed like the week before I got to see Marquis dragged on. He had been sending me small little notes, delivered by a courier, of sweet little nothings, writing in Laurens' handwriting as his own was still a tad rough. I was unable to contain my excitement to see him, especially on the morning of the day that I would, I was unable to contain my excitement. I spent the day unable to focus much on anything, which was to the dismay of my tutor, as I could not focus on any French or History that he was teaching me. After lunch, Eliza and I began to start our getting ready routine, as to look our best for our boys.

Hours later, we emerged from our bedroom, her in a blue dress (her dress in the Schuyler Sisters) with long sleeves that accentuated her delicate features. I was dressed in a similar dress, a green one with fitted elbow length sleeves, and wore it without the petticoat that made the dress stick out at my hips. I was never a fan of dresses like that, and preferred to go simple most of the time. My brown hair had been straightened and lay halfway between my shoulders and chest. Eliza had opted to straighten hers as well, and we both put on a reasonable amount of makeup. I walked down the stairs behind her, watching as the door opened, revealing my father. I scurried down the rest of the steps, leaping into his arms and hugging him tightly.

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