Right Hand (Wo)Man

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The weeks that followed the proposal were consumed by wedding preparations; dress fittings, arranging flowers, trying to get measurements for the men's suits, despite them being away at war, the whole works. We had arranged for Hercules to put together something for the men, while Mrs. Schuyler was quick at work to arrange Eliza's dress, as well as Angelica, Peggy, and my bridesmaids dresses, which was just a simple blue dress. Mine had a rounded neckline, enough to show some cleavage, but a respectable amount, and sleeves that went halfway down from my shoulder. Angelica's had long sleeves and the same neckline as mine, and Peggy's had a straighter neckline with elbow length sleeves. There was still about a month to the wedding, and both Eliza and I were both counting down the days until the men came home. They were set to arrive late at night, and in order to make the most out of their time home, Eliza and Alexander decided to marry the day after they arrived, making the first time that we would see them after the war on the wedding day.

"Ouch, be careful, Liza," I hissed as both Eliza and Mrs. Schuyler were making small alterations on my dress. I was standing barefoot a top a stool so that they didn't have to bend too low, at the same time resting my elbows against a wall and scribbling a letter to Lafayette.

"Stop moving, and I won't prick you," she murmured.

"I have to finish this letter before Elias makes his last trip to the camp today," I reminded her, turning back to the letter.

My dearest, Mr. Lafayette,

You men have no clue of the wedding preparations occurring at the Schuyler residence as we speak. At the current moment, I'm writing as quickly as I can so that I can send it out as soon as possible, so I apologize if this letter isn't as particularly long. I miss you dearly, this two months has been too long. I know that you will be gone for longer in the future, but it doesn't lessen the longing that my heart feels for you. 

I've been in correspondence with my mother recently, and she wishes to meet you. My father has sent her plenty of letters, describing you, your bravery, your character, and she wishes to be introduced to you at Eliza and Alexander's wedding. She says you sound like a wonderful man, and she looks forward to the formal introduction. She also suggested a family dinner, just you, me, and my parents, and I understand if that's not something that you're comfortable with, I just wanted to bring it up to you.

I love you, Marquis de Lafayette.

I can't wait to see you again, it's only a matter of time.

Mary Elizabeth Washington

I handed my letter to Angelica when I was finished, who took it, along with the one Eliza had written to Alexander and ran down the stairs to place them in the outgoing mail. 

"Have you and Alexander decided where you're going to live?" I asked.

"Well, we didn't want to buy a house just for me to stay in alone for however long the war lasts," she explained, weaving a needle skillfully in and out of my dress. "I suppose we'll be staying in one of the other bedrooms here."

"Pick a far bedroom, please," I teased. "Angelica, Peggy, and I don't want to have to hear all the, uh, activity."

"Mary Elizabeth Washington!" Eliza jokingly scolded, everyone laughing. 

Mrs. Schuyler got up in order to go get the other dresses and more sewing supplies, shutting the door behind her. Eliza immediately turned to me once the door was closed.

"Will you and Mr. Lafayette be sharing a bedroom when he visits?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I doubt my father would allow it," I answered. "And we're still so early in this relationship. Maybe the night before he leaves, I will. They're all staying here, correct?"

The Frenchman (Lafayette Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant