Chapter 4

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"Officer Sexy!" the sergeant laughed stumbling towards me. He slammed into the bar next to me with a huge grin. "You look sexy as always officer. Have I told you that I cannot get you out of my head for the life of me!" he smiled leaning towards me pointing at his head with his finger "but I don't mind..." he winked.

"Are you drunk sir?" I didn't look at him but I had seen him earlier and he looked really sexy he had on black jeans and white v neck shirt his hair was everywhere in a very sexy I just woke up look. I knew that if I stared at him I would want to run my fingers thru his hair and that would just get me in trouble.

"Come on Sammie!" he sang my name out with a huge smile on his face.

"Look dude here..." I pointed around me "You're not my boss here... you are just some dude who has been a royal jerk to me for no reason and I demand to know why!" I stood my ground even if I had to look up at him because he was so much taller than me.

He smiled and leaned very close to me "Because it is not right for me to kiss one of my soldiers and since I saw you I have not been able to get your lips out of my head..." he pulled my lips with his hands taking a deep thoughtful breath "they truly are the most beautiful pair of lips I have ever seen." He captured my back and slammed his lips into mine holding me into place.

For a second while he kissed me I felt the world stop turning and as much as I did not want to admit it all I wanted to do was give into it and kiss him with everything. Of course I wanted to give in but I could not do that.

I slapped him and walked away with a smile on my face and as I sat down with Winter my battle buddy had a shocked look and Ashley and Courtney were joking around with one of the guys named Carter. I look back towards him and he had a huge smile on his face as he rubbed his cheek.

"What the hell was that?" Winter whispered in my ear.

"Did anyone see?"

"No I do not think so! Dude what the hell was that!" Winter stared at me with a huge smile on her face.

"I have no idea... he just walked up and kissed me!"

"I know you two were crazy about each other!"

"Do not be ridiculous Winter..." I laughed.

"Oh Sammie I can cut the sexual tension with a knife when you guys are close together."

"Shut up and hand me some tequila!" I laughed pointing to the shots across from her.

"Tomorrow my dear Sammie will be very interesting!" she laughed as she handed me a tequila shot.

The next day I stood in formation and I felt like I was slowly dying my head was pounding in the sun and my tongue felt super dry. I wanted to smack Winter because I could almost feel the smirk on her face as she was standing next to me almost vibrating as Sergeant Roberts walked up not looking hung over what so ever. His eyes shifted to mine for a second before they continued looking over everyone. "Merry Christmas Maggots!" how could he scream I had seen how drunk he was last night.

I knew I needed to act like I had no idea because most likely he did not even remember what happened. He was probably so drunk he did it and I could not let him know that I remembered and that it meant a lot to me because I was not that girl.

He smiled along with the drill Sergeants that had walked up as he said what were all dreading and I felt my face lower 'damn it all to hell'.

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