Chapter 12

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"Damn it! Samantha!" I was shooting over the wall trying to avoid the shots that were firing thru a window were some people were trying to jump out of. I don't understand where it had gone so wrong. How we fell into this trap, I looked back at her and felt more tears rise in my eyes and my throat close up some more.

I could see her struggling to stay awake and it burned my eyes seeing her this way my heart hurt because this was all my fault.

I was panicking if she died I would not be able to go on this would be it I would never forgive myself and my life would have no purpose.

I looked back down at the walkie-talkie I had "Dawson we need that back up now!"

"Sir we are trying!" I could hear the panic in his voice.

"Dawson... our medic is down... I repeat Captain Williams is down and we have no other medic on sight. If you guys aren't down here within the next... she doesn't have long!" I felt the panic rising in my throat as I realized how true my words were. I looked at her and I could not handle it she was my future and I needed her here because I did not have a future without her.

"ETA is five minutes Sarg!" Dawson hollered over the car's engine.

"Dawson that is to long she will be gone by then!" she kept looking at the sky with a peaceful look and I could see her struggling to breath.

"Then I will walk you thru on how to help her"

"Dawson if I could I would not have called we are pinned down separated by a door way and a window of people coming thru!" I felt desperate at this point I thought about lunging her way but then we would both be down and for sure dead.


"Come on Matty, you promised me we would go out and do something for our anniversary!" she pouted with sadness in her eyes.

"I know baby and I am so happy one year today and I love you more than I could ever love anyone but I got called into a meeting and there is nothing I can do about it. I have to go baby I am so sorry..."

"Fine!" she turned on her heels and walked to my bed were they had just been taking a nap grabbed her sweater and walked to the living room and put everything into her bags she had and zipped them up.

"Where are you going Sammie!" this woman was my life but boy was she the most infuriating.

"I am getting my stuff Mattie... you have a meeting to get to and I need to go home."

"Sammie stop... come on I am so sorry but it's not my choice now that the squad is complete it is probably about our deployment.

She gave me a fake smile "Its fine but I am going home I won't sit here by myself all night... I am going to get dressed and go out with Winter."

"Sammie get dressed here and go out with Winter and then come home to me please..." I pulled her by her waist to me and kissed her neck even though she tried to fight me this was crazy since when do I beg. I was a player until this woman walked into my boot camp now all I want is to be near here and for her to be happy no matter the cost. I hated seeing her sad it hurt and made my heart ache knowing I was causing it.

"No!" I could see a few tears wanting to slip out of the corner of her eyes.

I pulled her into a tighter hug "Sammie please don't make me feel bad I will make it up to you I swear!" I kissed her forehead hard.

"Fine." She said but I could tell she was hurt. 

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