Chapter 7

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"Samantha! Samantha!" he looked at me with panic but even filled with panic those green eyes were incredible.

I was staring at Roberts as he kept screaming orders at the other soldiers and shooting over the piece of wall he was behind of. I could see that if I moved I would get shot again and I could not afford to lose any more blood.

"Williams this is an order! Stay awake! You stay with me!" his voice broke at the end.

I smiled as I heard his voice and I couldn't help the tear that slipped from my eyes. I was so glad I got to hear his voice one more time before it got too hard. "Matty I am so tired..." I breathed out.

I could see tears pooling in his eyes "Forget everything that I said and I mean everything I said! Just... just... just please stay with me Sammie please!" he wiped the tears that had fallen spreading the dirt with the sweat and tears and shoot someone coming thru the wall. "Please Sammie... please stay awake Sammie!"

I looked into his eyes and could not help smiling "it hurts to much Mattie..." 

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