Chapter 17

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The few seconds that passed by felt like hours had gone by since the truth rang out and I wanted to punch myself. I slowly walked up to her and I saw the tears in her eyes and I felt a bang in my chest.

"Sam... Sammie listen to me..."


I looked at her shocked "What?"

"When did it happen and for how long?" she had tears in her eyes streaming but her face was a mask of hardness, her tears and her eyes the broken look in her eyes gave her away to me.

"No... listen..."

"When?" she yelled looking at anything but my eyes.

"A week before you came back..."

"So I give birth to your daughter and go home to take care of her and you take that as a chance to screw around... I was taking care of our kids!" she slammed her fist into one of the walls and I saw it cut and run red with her blood and I tried to take a step forward to help and she raised her other hand to slap me and then lowered it. "I have always respected you, even if you lost the respect you had for me..." she lowered it to her side and that hurt more knowing that even thru all the pain I caused her she would still not hurt me.

"No Sammie... listen..."

"No sir... we should move on with the mission sir!" I saw her close off and become a soldier just like in the days before we were anything. She had shut me out and never in my life had I ever felt so much pain or so I thought.

"Sam..." I turned around as I heard the shots go off and one of the privates in the back collapse on the ground. I also saw where the shots were coming from and the moment that Samantha saw the private and ran towards him. I tried to reach for her and stop her because I knew she was going to get shot but I just missed her by a hair and then I saw her collapse on the ground as she ran past the open wall.

The look on her face was of shock as she scrambled behind the rock and dragged the private with her. She checked him and bandaged him but I could see the pain in her eyes and that made the tears come out of my eyes.


I lay on the floor of the home base with Samantha gone to the world in my arms. This was it I had lost the love of my life and after everything my mistakes not only took her away but took her away from our kids. We had made it out gotten into the chopper and when I stepped off on the base I realized she was gone.

"Sarg Rogers we need to check her so please sir let her go..." the medic touched my shoulder.

"She is gone dammit!" I kissed her over and over begging her to come back to me.

"Sorry Rogers but it's for her and your own good..." darkness that is all I felt around me as I heard the words whispered into my ears.


I watched from the side of the tarmac as Rogers collapsed on the ground I was ready to board my plane and get to go home on leave to see Crystal and Jayme. Crystal was pregnant with our baby girl and I was excited to see them all we would be picking out the baby name finally because we could not agree.

"Last call sir." The private looked at me ready to lock up the plane and I almost kicked myself as I shook my head and walked towards Rogers with my bags in my hand. This would mean that I would not be able to see Crystal and Jayme until after this mission coming up but I knew that Rogers needed sense knocked into him and that Crystal would understand me and love me anyways.

"She is gone dammit!" he kissed her over and over again and I could hear him whispering in her ear for her to come back.

I looked at all the panicked faces and made a decision one that might or might not get me in trouble later. "Sorry Rogers but it's for her and your own good..." I grabbed him in a choke hold as I talked and knocked him out cold.

As I held him up his arms went limp and the medics and surgeons on standby grabbed Sam and pulled her into the medic tent.

I sat on the floor as a private ran up to me with a SAT phone. Rogers head was on my lap and I was dialing home feeling like crap.


"Hey baby what's going on... I was just about to get everything ready for you to surprise Jayme tomorrow... wait shouldn't you be on the plane already?" I heard her excitement go down.

"Do you remember everything I told you about Rogers?"


"His wife got shoot and they were trying to save her and he wouldn't let go of her so I had to stay back and get him off and even with my sacrifice I don't think it looks good."

"oh well I am so disappointed you could not come but I understand and I love you just the same... we will see you soon enough and I am just glad we had not told Jayme anything yet. I will be praying for Sam." I heard Jayme run in and I took a deep breath as Rogers eyes opened.

"I have to go Crystal I love you and my babies..."

"Dude..." Rogers shoot up "I just had the craziest dream ever..."

"Rogers..." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

The scream that left his mouth made my entire insides quiver and contract. I had seen men cry and I had seen men be in pain but I had never scream in pain the way he did. He sobbed into the ground and then I heard him pray.



I sat on the floor outside the tent where they had been treating her and cried silently. I did not have it in me to cry any louder anymore all my strength gave way hours ago. Still I sat here and what little strength I had I tried to give her thru some connection that made no sense to me. Jake had not moved from my side and I was grateful what he did not everyone would do and I would be grateful until my last breath because I was in shock and putting Sam in more danger.

Sergeant Rogers..." the medic walked out folding his cap in his hands.      

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