7: The First Week

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~ Hermione ~

By the end of the first week of classes, Ron had begun to complain about homework. He began to complain after the first day of classes. All he ever does now is eat, complain, or do the homework he complains about so much. At least Harry and Ginny don't complain about their homework, that much or as much as Ron.

After classes were over on Friday I headed to the library to get ahead on my homework that's due on Monday. And I still have to write my weekly letter to Arabella and Tom. I almost forgot but Ron and Ginny were talking about writing to their parents this morning at breakfast. I usually never forget things but I would've if they hadn't brought it up. I should thank them somehow.

The library is empty except for the librarian, Madam Pince. She gives me a warm smile as I enter the room and I return her smile with my own. I sat at a table in the right corner of the library, as far away from the door as you could get. I can also see if anyone were to walk up to me from here. I don't want anyone to sneak up on me while I'm writing my letter to Arabella and Tom.

I pull out a piece of parchment and a quill from my messenger bag because each library table was equipped with an inkwell. I sit there thinking for a moment before I start to write my letter to my biological parents. It still baffles me that I only met them a week ago and have already accepted them as my parents. Maybe I always knew deep down that the Grangers weren't my biological parents?

Dear Arabella and Tom,

So, today is my first Friday back at Hogwarts. Sorry if this reaches you later then you would've expected but I've been focusing on my schoolwork and almost forgot to write this week. Everything is going as expected, some classes are easy while others are more difficult. I hope you both are doing well at home. Should I plan on coming home for the Winter Holidays? Just wondering because I usually spend some days during the Holidays with the Weasley's and Harry.

I currently haven't told anyone about my...family predicament. I probably won't but could you please write back saying who knows about me, if anyone does. I would greatly appreciate that.

With Love,


I fold the letter in half after the ink was done drying. I would have to bring it to the Owlery later. At least Arabella and Tom gave me an Owl so I could stay in contact with them, its name is Hermes. It's named after the messenger God in ancient Greek mythology.

I do most of my homework that's due the following week before leaving the library. On the way out I bump into Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini.

"Watch where you're going, Granger" Malfoy snarled, pure hatred present in his stormy blue eyes.

Simply rolling my eyes and not saying anything, I leave the library. Without heading back to Gryffindor Tower, I go outside the main building and make my way to the Owlery. A bunch of first and second years are going in and out of where the students' owls are held. I make my way up the steps into the stone tower and nearly bump into the last person I wanted to; Ron.

Damn it, now I have to make up a lie as to why I'm at the Owlery. He looks confused for a moment until he sees the folded letter in my hands.

"Sending a letter to your parents?" He asks casually.

You could say that, is the first thing that I think to say. I almost say it but I don't. If I say that I;m sending a letter to my parents Ron will think I'm talking about the Grangers. Hopefully I won't have to lie to them any longer, I can barley handle it now and I just started to.

"Yeah, you?" I asked.

"Yeah, they'll tear me a new one if I don't send letters weekly. Especially after what happened last year.." Ron trailed off.

"Understandable" I reply.

"Yeah, I'll let you send your letter. See you later" Ron said.

He continues past me down the stairs and I continued to walk up them. Once I arrive in the actual building it takes me a minute to actually find Hermes. Once I find him I tie my letter to his leg and send him off.

Sighing, I leave the Owlery and go back inside. This year was going to be a long year if I was going to keep running into Ron each time I'm sending a letter to Arabella and Tom.

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