16: Oh Shit

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~ Hermione ~

I left Gryffindor Tower half an hour before dinner. I need to find Draco, Parkinson, and Zabini. Ron, Harry, and Ginny know that they've been calling me Maddy instead of Hermione.

The first place I go to is the Library. The only people who are there are a few Ravenclaw's and Neville. I walk over to him, hoping he has an answer to my question.

He looks up at me and smiles when I walk over to him.

"Do you know where Draco is?" I asked him.

"M-Malfoy? Uh...no. He'll probably be at dinner though. Why are you looking for him?" Neville asks.

"He said that he needed help on his Charms homework and I was wondering if he still needed that help" I lied.

If I'm not going to tell Harry, Ron, and Ginny the truth I'm not going to tell Neville or anybody else.

"Oh, well I'm sorry that I couldn't be of any help" Neville says with an apologetic look on his face.

"It's alright. See you around" I said.

Dissapointed, I walk away from Neville and out of the library. Should I go to the Dungeons or to the Great Hall? Not wanting to run into Snape and get questioned, I decide to go to the Great Hall.

Halfway there though, I do run into Snape. He has a scowl on his face, like normal.

"Hello, Miss Granger. Or should I call you Madeline?" Snape drawls.

I've known that he's known about me for ages but this is the first time that we've talked outside of class. And in class he's still the same insufferable arsehole that he's been since First Year.

"Hermione will do just fine" I reply, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Alright, Hermione. Just remember that I am here for you if you have any problems" Snape says before walking away with a swish of his long black robes.

I finish walking to the Great Hall and by that time dinner had begun. Harry, Ginny, and Ron are already eating at the Gryffindor table. Draco's at the Slytherin table with Parkinson and Zabini. I beeline over there, ignoring the states from the rest of the student body.

Draco, Parkinson, and Zabini all look at me with looks of suprise on their face as I approach them.

"Meet me in the Library once you're all done eating" I said before walking away.

I silently sit down at the Gryffindor table, ignoring the weird stares that everyone in the Great Hall are giving me. I serve myself some chicken before meeting the gazes of Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

"What?" I ask, arching a brow at the three of them.

"N-nothing" Harry says, obviously lying.

Not wanting to start an arguement, I simply nod and turn my attention to my food. They're probably wondering why I walked over to the Slytherin table before sitting down and eating. Let the rumor mill spin about how Draco and I are dating, for the second time this year.

I quickly finish eating what little food was on my plate before I make my way to the Library. Draco, Parkinson, and Zabini are already at our usual table when I arrive. There's no one else in there and the librarian, Madam Pince, is still in the Great Hall eating dinner.

"What's up, Maddy?" Draco asks.

"Harry, Ron, and Ginny heard you calling me that" I say.

Shocked looks fall upon the three of their faces.

"So they know about you now, is that it?" Zabini asks.

"No. I convinced them that you guys calling me that is an inside joke. And if they randomly ask you about it say the same. Please, they'll probably have me expelled if they found out" I plead.

"No problem, Maddy, they won't find out because of us" Pansy says.

"Find out what?"

We all spin around to see Harry, Ron, and Ginny standing there. Ron was the one who had said something. How long have they been standing there? Had they heard that whole conversation? If they had I'm screwed.

"N-one of your business,  Ronald" I snap, nervousness present in my voice.

"Bullshit Hermione! Tell us what's going on!" Ron yells.

"Do you really want to know?" I snap.

I know that if I tell them that I'll be screwed and that I'll have to leave Hogwarts but so be it. They'll have the wraith of my father to deal with.

"Yes, Hermione, we want to know" Harry says in a quiet voice.

"I'm Voldemort's daughter"

The Secret Riddle {Wattys2017}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें