8: Weeks Gone By

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~ Hermione ~

It's been nearly a month ever since my Sixth year at Hogwarts had started. Classes are going by but tensions are still running high from what happened at the end of last year. Voldemort was back for goodness sake. He also happens to be my biological father and his wife, Arabella, is my biological mother. But no one but them knows that.

Since today is Saturday there is no need to wake up extremely early so I slept in.

By the time I woke up all of the other girls in my dormitory were gone. I sighed in relief and climb out of bed. I change into a grey tee-shirt, navy blue skinny jeans, and black sneakers.

I make sure the dormitories door is closed before I lightly lift up my mattress and grab the letter that was hidden underneath it.

It's my most recent letter from Arabella and Tom. It's also the only one that I've received from them even though I wrote my first letter nearly a month ago. It arrived at breakfast on Thursday and I wasn't going to open it in front of Harry and Ron. So I hid it under my bed and waited until I was alone so I could read it. It's going to be difficult to keep this under wraps for the whole school year.

Nervously, I tear open the envelope and pull the letter out of it. I put the now unnecessary envelope next to me on my bed before I start reading.

Dear Hermione,

Your father and I would love it if you were to come home for your Winter Holidays but it's up to you. If you wish to spend the holidays with your friends that is fine as well.

It's good that things are going smoothly. Your father and I are very proud of what you've achieved ever since you arrived at Hogwarts. You deserve the title of 'brightest Witch of the age'.

As for people knowing your true identity only three people outside of your father, yourself, and I know. The three people outside of the family are Severus Snape, Narcissa Malfoy, and Lucius Malfoy. Narcissa and Lucius will help you in any way they can if you were to ask. Mr and Mrs Malfoy are you godparents after all. The same goes for Severus, not the godparent thing the other thing. Remember that if you need help with something at school or with something that your father and I can't help you with.

With Love,


So that explains why Snape was staring at me at the Feast on the First day back. Of course the two of them would know, they're Tom's right-hand men.

The Malfoy's are my godparents. It makes sense because who else would my godparents be, Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband? But if Mr and Mrs Malfoy know why doesn't Draco? Maybe he does and doesn't care.

I stand up and hide the letter again. After competely hiding the letter, I leave the dormitory. I'm starving and there's still enough time for me to go to breakfast.

The Common Room is completely empty when I walk through it, suprisingly. Usually there's a student or two doing their homework early so they have the rest of the weekend off.

The halls are also deserted until I got closer to the Great Hall. I walk into the Great Hall and see that most of the school is eating breakfast.

I find Ron and Harry and sit across from them at the Gryffindor table. They smile at me when I sit down and I return their smiles with a smile of my own.

"Morning, 'Mione" Harry says somewhat cheerfully.

"Good morning" I reply.

I put two pancakes and two breakfast sausages onto my plate. That should be enough to tide me over until lunch. It's already 9:30 anyways and lunch is at noon.

I start to feel as if someone is staring at me so I quickly look around the Great Hall. Someone was looking at me and that person is Draco Malfoy. Does he know? He must if his parents are my godparents.

Malfoy and I make eye contact and he quickly glares at me with the worst death glare he could conjure up. I quickly look away, not wanting Harry and Ron to notice who I was looking at.

"The first Hogsmeade trip is today, are you guys going?" Harry asks, trying to make small talk.

"I am" I reply.

I had the Grangers sign the permission slip for Hogsmeade trips as soon as I got it in the mail. At least my secret can't be spilled that way.

"I'm going. Are you Harry?" Ron asks.

"Yep" Harry says, popping the 'p'.

"It should be fun" I said, smiling at my two best friends.

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