21: Draco Returns!

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~ Madeline Riddle ~

Months pass and soon it's Christmas break. Draco should be returning home from Hogwarts today. I'm not going to meet him at Kings Cross Station because that would be a perfect opportunity for Aurors to swoop in and arrest me.

What for?

Simply being the daughter of Tom Marvolo Riddle and his wife, Arabella Riddle. Because apparently it's a crime to be proud of who you're biological parents are. They could also arrest me for being a Death Eater but only Mum, Daddy, Draco, Lucius, and Narcissa know about me getting the Dark Mark.

Daddy said that he would tell his other Death Eaters about me when the Cabinet is finished. I am a part of that mission.

Other Death Eaters who know about that mission are Draco, Lucius, Bellatrix Lestrange, Parkinson, Zabini, Fenrir Greyback, and Snape. Parkinson and Zabini technically aren't Death Eaters but they are helping the Dark Lord on this mission. Apparently Draco
had personally recommended them for the jobs of being Daddy's inside people at Hogwarts.

Draco had said in his past letter that he would come and visit me at Riddle Manor as soon as he possibly could. And he never breaks his promises. Or at least he doesn't break his promises to me.

It's around four in the afternoon when I hear the pop of apparition in my bedroom. I look up from my bed and see Draco standing in the corner.

I basically leap off of my bed and run over to him. I engulf him in a bear hug, that he quickly returns. I never knew how much I had missed him until this moment. I've also missed Parkinson and Zabini but not as much as I've missed Draco.

I think I might love him. I can't tell him because he doesn't feel that way towards me. He would never like his bosses daughter. And Daddy would probably have it out for Draco if he were to break my heart in anyway.

"I missed you so much Maddy" Draco says quietly.

He kisses the top of my head and rests his jaw on the spot that he had kissed. I can feel that he's smiling.

"I missed you too Drake" I reply, sounding muffled because my face is currently pressed into his chest.

We pull apart after a few minutes. I look into his stormy grey eyes and he looks into my emerald green ones. Before I knew it we were both leaning in and soon our lips were touching.

But of course we had to be interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We jumped away from each other and turned to who interrupted us. It was Mum.

Thank Merlin it wasn't Daddy. He probably would've murdered Draco where he stood for touching me.

"Your father wants the two of you in the meeting room now. And lock your door when you plan on doing other activities like that Madeline" Mum says with a slight smile on her face before leaving the room.

I love my mother but sometimes she can be so embarrassing! Like did she really have to say that in front of Draco? No, she didn't.

I grab Draco's hand and pull him out of my room. I drop his hand when we near the Meeting Room. This is where Daddy holds all his meetings with his Death Eaters.

I wonder what he wants to talk to us about. We walk into the Meeting Room.

Daddy and Mum are already sitting at their places at the long ebony table. The table seats twenty five but only four chairs are set up right now.

"Ah, Madeline, Draco. Please sit down" Daddy says in a stern voice.

Silently following his orders, Draco and I sit down at the two chairs across from each other in the middle of the table.

"What is this about Daddy?" I ask Daddy, looking at him.

"It's about the Cabinet, sweetheart. You both are involved in that mission. Bellatrix, Fenrir Greyback, and a few trusted others are also involved. They are waiting for it to become ready, as am I. Draco it is you're job to oversee and finish this project. See that it is done by the end of March" Daddy says, his red eyes staring at Draco who has visibly shrunk into his chair.

"Yes, my Lord" Draco says in a quiet voice.

"If it is not done by the end of the school year there will be consequences Draco, dire consequences. Onto more happy matters let's discuss you two's relationship" Daddy says with a slight smile on his face.

"R-relationship?" I ask with a stutter.

Mom said she wasn't going to tell Daddy. She didn't lie, did she?

"Your relationship with Draco here. It's obviously more than a friendly one. That is why Lucius and I have proposed a marriage" Daddy says.

"A marriage?" Draco is the one who had asked this question.

"Yes, a marriage between you and Madeline. It is an arranged marriage so there isn't much say in it on your part. It will occur after the term of Hogwarts ends" Daddy says.

Marriage? To Draco? And to think we shared our first kiss this morning.

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