23: Regrets

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~ Madeline Riddle ~

Flash forward to the Battle of Hogwarts

I run into the battlefield, yelling killing and pain curses as often as I could. Draco is running next to me, holding my non wand hand also shouting curses left and right. Potter just 'came back' from being dead and now the 'Good' side is winning the battle. Longbottom sliced of Nagini's head, killing what they thought was Daddy's last horcrux. But they're wrong; I'm his last horcrux. He made me a horcrux the day I was born, just in case anything like this were to happen. You can't say that he wasn't prepared.

We've taken heavy loses and so has that side. We've lost Bellatrix and Snape, who was a spy for Dumbledore the whole time. They've lost Fred Weasley, Lupin, Tonks, Lavender Brown, and countless others.



Everyone in the battle stops and turns towards the sound. Daddy and Potter are fighting one on one. A spark of red is constantly shooting out of Potter's wand while a spark of green is constantly shooting out of Daddy's wand.Potter may be a decent wizard but Daddy is worth one hundred Potter's in his magical ability. Daddy will win and Potter will die. Then the war will end, resulting in our side winning.

Potter is clearly losing and you can see the shock and confusion on his face. He thought that he was going to be victorious. The only thing he's going to be at the end of this battle is dead.

That's when it happens, the green spark hits him square in the chest. He crumples onto the ground, his knees under his torso. Potter is in a position that no living person would be able to stay in. This time he is definitely dead.

A woman screams and runs to his body; its Ginny Weasley. She grabs Potter's lifeless body and pulls him into a hug, sobbing. The rest of the living Weasley's run to their daughter or sister. The only Weasley who has died in the battle is Fred.

Ginny's sobs could be heard from anywhere outside of the school. Other people had started to sob; Minerva McGonagall being one of them.

I feel tears staring leave my eyes and stream down my face. Harry's dead. The person who couldn't die, The Boy Who Lived is dead. I find a piece of wall to lean against and I slide to the ground. I put my face in my hands as I start to weep.

I cry for the friend that I had lost, the life I had lost, the hope the Wizarding World had just lost. How could I have allowed to this to have happened? Harry was my best friend and I had relied on him for so many years. Why was I so stupid to not trust him enough to tell him that Tom and Arabella are my biological parents. Maybe if I had told him he and Dumbledore and all the other people who had lost their lives would still be alive.


I look up and look to where the Weasley's are standing. Ginny is sobbing and is wearing the face of a crazy person. She's holding her wand out to where...Daddy was standing. I look in that direction to see his body laying lifeless on the ground.

I let out a choked sob and someone pulls me into a hug. I instantly know that it's Draco. I hug him back and cry into his shoulder.

I had just lost my father and my first best friend. And it's probably all my fault that Harry Potter is dead. Because I was the final horcrux that he didn't destroy.

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