17: Escaping Hogwarts

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~ Hermione ~

"I'm Voldemorts daughter"

Ron's jaw visibly drops and a queasy looking expression forms on Harry's face. Ginny looks mad and dissapointed at the same time.

"You're V-Voldemorts daughter?" Harry asks, in complete shock.

"Yep, and my name is Madeline Riddle" I reply as casually as I could.

"Y-y-you're and D-death Eater" Ron stutters, shuffling backwards and away from me.

A look of genuine fear had taken hold of his features. And that fear was caused by me, his best friend ever since First Year.

"No, I'm not" I snap.

"Yes you are! Harry, we need to tell Dumbledore!" Ron exclaims.

He dashes out of the library, followed by a shocked Harry and Ginny. I curse to myself as I feel tears freely stream down my face

How could they all think that I'm a Death Eater? They've known me for the past five years and know that I wouldn't do that. They know that I'm on their side.


They knew that Hermione Granger wouldn't be a Death Eater. They knew Hermione Granger for the last five years. And they knew that she was on their side. They don't know anything about Madeline Riddle and her loyalties.

"No time for crying, Maddy. We need to get you to Snape's office" Draco says in an authoritative tone.

I nod. I let Draco, Parkinson, and Zabini lead me out of the library. We pass a confused looking Madam Pince as we leave. Parkinson mutters something to her that I don't bother listening to.

We run through the halls, passing groups of confused looking students. I make sure to not look at anyone for too long, scared that the news of my true identity somehow has already circulated through the entire student body. We pass teachers who bark at us to stop running in the halls, which we obviously don't do. Draco says something to Zabini, which causes his to run a different way then us. What did Draco tell him to do?

Once we reach the Dungeons, we slow to a normal paced walk. Parkinson and I needed a minute to catch our breath while Draco was perfectly fine, the in shape arsehole.

Draco walks into the Potions classroom first, followed by Pansy and I. Snape is sitting at his desk, wearing a scowl as he grades some poor students latest essay. He looks up when we enter the classroom, the scowl staying in his face.

"What can I do for you three?" He asks as if nothing's wrong.

"Madeline needs to be taken out of Hogwarts right now. The two Weasley's and Potter found out about her and are currently informing Dumbledore" Draco says solemnly.

Snape nods and stands up from his desk. He motions for us all to enter his office, which we all do. There's a fire place in his office, which I'm assuming is connected to the Floo Network.

"Parkinson make sure the Cabinet is ready by March 1st and inform Zabini of this" Snape orders.

Parkinson nods, looking slightly terrified. Cabinet? What in the world does Snape mean by that?

"Hermione, Floo back to Riddle Manor with Draco. He'll have to return shortly after that but you'll be safe there" Snape says, sounding suprisingly calm.

Draco and I climb into the suprisingly large fire place. He grabs a handful of Floo Powder. I grab onto him, knowing that I wouldn't be able to let go until we were safely inside Riddle Manor.

"RIDDLE MANOR!" Draco yells.

I hold onto Draco even tighter as were moved from Snape's office in Hogwarts to the foyer in Riddle Manor.

Once we arrive, we both stumble out of the fire place, covered in soot and ash.  I'm no longer holding onto Draco, seeing as how my parents would walk into the foyer in any second.

Arabella and Tom coming running from the dining room, obviously enjoying their dinner together.

"Madeline? Why are you here? You're supposed to be in Hogwarts" Arabella says with a slight scowl.

"Code P, Mrs Riddle" Draco says.

Code P probably explains what happened with Ron, Harry, and Ginny in the Library.

"This is bad. Did Severus say anything to you about the Cabinet Draco?" Tom asks.

"He told Parkinson that it has to be ready by March 1st, My Lord" Draco says stiffly.

"Good. You must return to oversee that project. Thank you for protecting her" Tom says, his voice ringing with genuine gratitude.

Draco nods and returns to Hogwarts using the Floo Network.

"Maddy you know what this means, don't you?" Tom asks, turning his attention back to me.

I shake my head 'no'.

"You cannot go out in public looking like that anymore, The Daily Prophet will report what has happened by this time tomorrow. The Glamour Charm needs to come off" Tom says sternly.

"O-okay" I say.

"Alright. You also deserve to know what I meant by 'Cabinet'. There is a Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Reguirements at Hogwarts, much like the one in Borgin and Burkes. Draco is in charge of getting it in working condition so my Death Eaters can infiltrate the school" Tom explains.

"Your father wants you to join our cause and be one of those Death Eaters, Madeline" Arabella says bluntly.

Tom wants me to become a Death Eater? Would Hermione Granger? No. Would Madeline Riddle? Yes, if it protects her family.

"Alright" I say.

Arabella and Tom both look at me with pride in their eyes. I'm happy that I can at least make them proud.

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