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Brooklyn's POV *Outside the police station*

The second Iris and I stepped outside, something flashed past us. "What was that?" I wondered aloud.

"I don't know but it was cool wasn't it," Iris smiled.

"Hell yeah it was," I agreed. 

"What do you want to do now?" Iris asked me. I looked at her and shrugged. 

"I'll just watch you work at Jitters I guess," I answered her. 

"Well what are you going to do there?" Iris pressed. I smirked and wiggled raised one eyebrow in a 'Do you really have to ask?' way.

"Oh I don't know. Annoy you, poke you. Pay for random people's coffee. Make the occasional comment. Watch Netflix and make a list of things Barry needs to binge watch. Take your tips when you're not paying attention. Put your tips back so people don't think I'm a thief. Poke you some more. Watch some Harry Potter, watch Captain America; The Winter Soldier again. Obsess over the beautiful creatures that are Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, and Scarlett Johansson. Annoy you some more. So you know, the usual."

"You're such a dork," Iris laughed ruffling my hair.

"Hey, you asked. So I answered. I didn't want to bore you with the normal answer," I grinned, wiggling my eyebrows. Iris rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand as we walked to Jitters. She started running and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are we running?" I wondered. 

"Because I saw Eddie, and I figured we could prank him," Iris turned back to look at me. "And I know how much you love pranking people." 

"You know me so well." Iris and stopped a few alleys away from Jitters. We both looked over the corner and saw Eddie enter Jitters, probably looking for Iris. "So, what should we do?" I turned to Iris.

"I don't know, do you have any ideas?" Iris asked me. I shrugged and shook my head. I was thinking of things to prank him with when something from 9 months earlier popped into my head.

"Iris, remember when I said Eddie's descendants would be named something strange, like Eobard?" Iris nodded. "Well, what if I run up behind him and jump on his back screaming 'THE TINY PEOPLE! THEY'RE AFTER US! RUN EOBARD RUN!' while you throw paper airplanes at him that have the word Eobard written on them?" I suggested the first idea that had popped into my head. I used to pull pranks like these all the time with Barry and on Barry. 

"YES! We have  to do that!" Iris exclaimed, clapping her hands together in excitement. 

"Okay, I'll head back to the CCPD to find my hidden paper stash in Barry's lab and you go in for work. It'll seem suspicious if you suddenly show up and a prank starts immediately. Eddie doesn't know Barry left so if he asks, tell him we're visiting Dad at Iron Heights," I explained. Iris nodded and gave me a mock salute before she walked into Jitters. I walked back to CCPD and straight up to Barry's lab. I grabbed 6 pieces of paper before sitting down and writing 'Eobard' in big fancy bubble letters on three of them. On the other three I decided to write 'Eddie Thawne' in big fancy bubble letters as well. Due to my being a perfectionist and being and artist, it took me an hour or two before I finally finished. I checked my phone to find a text from Iris. "Let's not prank him today, he's had a confusing day at work."  I read Iris's text and sighed. If only I had checked my phone, I wouldn't have wasted an hour doing this. Responded before packing everything up and putting it away. I hadn't heard from Barry in a while so I decided to call him.

"Hey Bare?" I asked once he answered.

"..Yeah," Barry responded, with a slight groan.

"Barry...are you okay? You sound like you're in pain," I pointed out, suddenly worried.

"N-no, I'm fine. Don't worry about me Brooke. I'm going to meet you at Jitters in a bit okay?" Barry lied with another groan before he changed the subject. I rolled my eyes but agreed and left for Jitters. 

After a short walk, I reached Jitters and walked inside looking for Barry, when I didn't see him I saw Iris and followed her, walking outside into the sitting area at Jitters. I noticed Barry behind and fence and was about to wave at him when I saw he was looking at something. After following his line of sight and saw Iris holding Eddie's face in her hands. I watched them and my eyes widened as they kissed. I looked up at Barry to see his reaction and all I saw was a heartbroken expression. 

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