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Brooklyn's POV

"Mr. Barry Allen, congratulations! You're officially an idiot," I spoke into the phone after I took a sip of my coffee. I had just submitted my assignment for college while I was in Barry's lab waiting for him. Iris had asked Barry and me if we would go with her to Simon Stagg's award ceremony. Barry, so he could explain the science, and me because she wanted some bonding time and some moral support. I was wearing a dress and heels with more makeup than usual on my face. Iris was going to show up soon and Barry still wasn't here. When I called Joe earlier asking about Barry's whereabouts, he had assumed Barry was running late with me.

"Brooklyn, I don't have time for this right now. Call me later," Barry complained. I rolled my eyes and face palmed.

"You're late for work for the first time in nine months. I thought you wanted to keep your job," I sassed.

"....I'll be right there." Barry hung up and I shook my head. I called Joe to tell him that Barry was on his way.

"Hey Joe, Barry should be there by now. You're welcome," I smirked.

"Thanks kiddo. Make sure you beat him up for me later. Bye Brooke," Joe answered, evidently amused.

"Gladly. See ya," I spoke before ending the call. Fifteen minutes later I was looking through the Gallery on my camera when Barry ran into the room, while out of breath.  "You suck at running," I told him plainly.

"Yeah I know," Barry smiled before giving me a hug which I returned.

"What's this for?" I wondered aloud. I put my chin on Barry's chest and looked up at him.

"I don't know, you've just been off ever since we visited Dad at Iron Heights. You know you can tell me anything right?" Barry worried. I knew what he was talking about. I still hadn't told  him about the man who called me a week earlier at Iron Heights. The man told me to call him back the next day but I knew better than to listen to a stranger threatening me. I grew up with Joe West after all, best cop the CCPD has ever known.......and Barry had dragged me to the theater to watch Annabelle and freak me out. He knows that I hate horror movies. Then he spent the rest of the day with me because I was too scared to be alone. Spending time with him made me realize how much I actually missed him. I was so happy to just be spending time with Barry that calling the man back completely slipped my mind.

"Yeah, I'm fine Barry. If there was a problem you'd be the first to know," I lied, giving Barry a smile. I then put my head down and continued hugging Barry. I was pretty good at lying but Barry always sees through me. He could tell there was something I wasn't telling him. He opened his mouth to ask me when Joe walked into his lab.

"Guys, the brother-sister bonding can wait. Brooke, please let Barry do his job. He's late as it is," Joe pleaded. I laughed and nodded, letting go of Barry. Barry rolled his eyes as Joe grabbed a file from Barry's desk and walked out of the lab. Barry went to his desk and grabbed a vile. He walked over to the analyzing table and put the vile into the red machine and pressed a button. When the machine didn't start, Barry furrowed his eyebrows and pressed the button again.

"I think it's broken," I spoke up, watching him in amusement.

"I never would've guessed," Barry responded sarcastically. I snickered and pulled out a chocolate bar from my secret stash of food in Barry's lab. Barry stood up and looked behind the machine to see if it was plugged in, and when he saw it was, he sat back down. He tried pressing the button again a few times before hitting the machine in frustration. He then looked up at me and noticed the chocolate in my hand. "Can you give me one?" Barry pleaded. I nodded and kneeled back on the floor to get him a chocolate bar. I heard a soft buzzing and a clang. I had Barry's chocolate bar in my hand and when I turned around to look at Barry I saw him holding the vile.

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