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Anakin awoke with a jolt, and his brain felt like it was full of something heavy and dense. His head pounded, and his vision turned red. Above him a black metal roof stretched, but it was partially blocked by all the machinery and needles which looked menacingly down at him. He was terrified, but his breath came in smooth, and even. He couldn't control his body's movements. His body shook, moving against his will.

Anakin had to blink a few times. The room was dark, and colored blood red by his red vision. Tiny lights flashed, each a tiny beam too powerful to look at.

"Rise, lord Vader," a menacing voice tempted out of the dark.

A man, his face wrinkled by old age emerged from the curtain of black, draped in a black robe from head to toe. His hands extended in front of him, his palms facing down, his fingers limp. His eyes were covered by the hood, but Anakin could tell that it was chancellor Palpatine.

Anakin did not intend to, but his body moved on its own and he stood, squared shoulders, long back, in a balanced and resting battle stance. Sidious grinned, chuckling to himself.

"I see the serum has worked. Welcome to the dark side of the force, Darth Vader."

Anakin's naturally blue eyes were now a golden yellow, with flecks of forest green.

"You will be my apprentice, Darth Vader, and you will serve me."

Anakin could not say what he wanted. He willed himself to say I will never join you, but all he could say was "yes, my lord."

"Good, good," smiled the chancellor. "Your first assignment as my new apprentice is to kill those friends of yours, Obi Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano."

Anakin was screaming on the inside, but all he could say was "I don't have any friends."


Obi Wan, Ahsoka and Rex made their way across the hallway at a slow pace, looking out for scouts and patrols. It was best if they didn't get caught. Each step they took they encountered new nightmares: the dead Jedi council, slaughtered younglings, and innocent civilians who just happened to get in the way.

The sound of approaching footsteps made them dash for cover behind a large bust of the original Jedi, trying to stay out of sight. But the sound of the shoes this assailant was wearing was not the same material of clone armor.

"If that's a clone, they must have changed clothes," Rex whispered. "I want to see who it is, maybe it's a survivor."

Darth Vader rounded the corner, a look of calm assertiveness in his eyes.

"It's Anakin," he whispered.

Obi Wan's heart felt light just for a moment, and he ducked out of cover.

Anakin's brain screamed at him not to hurt his master, but his body did not follow. He drew his lightsaber quickly, his face contorting into a grimace as he wielded the weapon.

"What," was all Obi Wan could say before he realized what was happening and blocked Darth Vader's strike.

"Anakin," yelped Ahsoka, appalled by her master's sudden attack. "Stop!"

Rex drew his blasters, cocking them at his friend. "Something's wrong with him," he said.

"Anakin, stop, it's your master," Obi Wan pleaded.

"My name is Darth Vader."

Horror spread across their faces as they realized what was happening. Obi Wan began to waver, his eyes filling up with tears of sorrow. Ahsoka choked back a sob before drawing her sabers, wielding them with hesitance.

No, he couldn't kill them. They were his family. They were so important to him. He couldn't live, or be happy without them.

Suddenly? His body couldn't move. He stopped, his hand still raised, but stuck in place. His mind began to clear, heaviness dissipating from him.

"Anakin, you can't do this. Think of us, the people who care about you. Remember your mother, all of her hope for you. Remember Padmé, the woman who has stood by your side, and loves you so much, she is bearing your children. Think of Ahsoka, the daughter you never could have asked for. And think of me, Anakin. You once called me the closest thing you had to a father."

All at once, the power and anger and hatred that had lorded over Anakin fell away, like a cloud of smoke being blown away by the wind. His eyes shifted back to blue, and he could feel himself again, feel his own emotions. With a sigh, his eyes filled with tears, streaking in streams of salt, cascading down his cheeks. His heart soared as he was freed from his enslavement.

Then that moment ended, and he remembered. He remembered the hatred that course through his veins, the way he could not fight back against the powers controlling him, and his tears of joy turned to tears of pain. He had tried to kill his master and his apprentice.

His entire body convulsed under the stress, and he sobbed loudly.

"Anakin, it's okay, we're okay."

"No," he choked. "I wanted to kill you, I couldn't control myself, it can't happen again. I have to go."

"No," said Ahsoka. "Master, we just got you back, we can't lose you again."

"And I can't lose you." Anakin got up to leave. Suddenly, he was wrapped in a warm embrace, his master and his apprentice, holding on for one last moment.

He took one final breath before turning away.


Story Thanks to Emmaisdafawesomeboss

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