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"Find the Sith, we could not," sighed Master Yoda.

The council sat once again in a circle. Each master wore a grim look on their face, remembering and recounting where they had looked, where they had not looked, where they should look, what they should do.

The Sith were still too powerful, even with the end of Darth Sidious.

"The emperor is dead," said Anakin. "I killed him."

"Master Skywalker is right," agreed Yoda. "The threat of the Sith, lessened, it has."

"Darth Maul is still out there," mumbled Master Windu.

The council sat, silent. What should they do?

"I propose a new course of action," offered master Jarrus. "Each of us should take a squad, and then set out to a system. We can cover more area that way. If we run into trouble, we should call the nearest master to come help.

The masters nodded.

"All in favor," asked Mace.

"Aye," was the resounding chorus.


Over the next few days, master after master left the base. Each master took a group of four or five skilled fighters with them, leaving the temple under the protection of Master Yoda and Anakin Skywalker.

Days were mundane, each hour passing slowly. With each day, Luke and Leia grew, learning to run and play, feed themselves, and take care of themselves, all while learning the force. They were quick learners, understandably, because of their mediclorians. Anakin had had so many mediclorians in his bloodstream, it was only natural for his children to have a lot as well. They were well above their years, joining the group of five year-olds for their force lessons. They still joined the two year-olds for their motor skills training, but they were pretty advanced there, too.

Padmé had taken the place as representative for the rebellion, and would often go on diplomatic missions in order to liberate other systems and help set up government. If they had had a parliament, she probably would be that leader, not that that would be the job she'd want.

This particular afternoon, Anakin was strolling the entrance hall of the base, watching the fighters, pilots, and other support personnel running around doing their duties, while the Jedi children practiced in the learning center with Master Yoda. Ventress, clothed in a dark brown hood, practiced clairvoyance in the small sitting area. She was never comfortable in the meditation room.

Suddenly, the familiar sound of blaster fire shattered the serenity of the scene, and their attention was drawn to the small landing platform outside.

A battalion of clones and Stormtroopers, led by three inquisitors, Barriss Offee, Darth Maul, and Darth Plagueis. Anakin barely had time to call out before they blew in the windows, sending glass everywhere.

Ventress jumped to her feet. She yelled something indistinct, and threw a bolt of lightning at Barriss. Yoda burst out of the classroom, his eyes wide, locking the door behind him. Plagueis grinned, his long face twisting into a sickening smile. His eyes flashed red as he lifted his blade, looking directly at Yoda. Yoda drew his saber, lifting it to his side, the green glow reflecting in his glassy, green eyes. Maul never smiled, his red and black tattoos giving the illusion of a frown on his face. His long, mechanical legs scraped against the floor, ripping deep grooves in the cement floor. Anakin adjusted, his feet sliding into a more balanced stance as his lightsaber ignited.

Yoda leaped at Plagueis, swinging his lightsaber as he flew forward. Their blades clashed, sparks flying out. Plagueis stuck back, Yoda defending high, his saber over his head.

Suddenly, his vision blurred, only for a moment, and a moment of pure agony and burning spread through his chest, followed by nothing. He felt nothing, as he looked down at his smoldering chest, the blade of a red lightsaber protruding from the center of his chest.

He felt his feet give out from under him as he collapsed, his body hitting the floor with a thud.

"Master," Anakin screamed as his master drew his final breath. Maul had pushed him against the wall and pinned him there with the force as he killed the Jedi Grand Master. Anakin felt helpless, the wisest and most powerful teacher he had had was suddenly gone.

Something surged up in him, a burning hatred or passion, and he attacked, his saber flashing quickly, laying waste to the remaining clones and inquisitors. Ventress quickly joined him, using the force crush ability to destroy clones and inquisitors, her blood boiling. Barriss bounced from human shield to human shield, only clutching one lightsaber now, Ventress had taken back the first one.

As they fought, the padawans in their classroom picked the lock, and joined the fight, making it an all-out firefight, the older padawans standing to protect the younger learners.

In all the commotion, Anakin didn't see Darth Plagueis behind him.

Plagueis swing his saber, bringing it down on Anakin's mechanical arm.

Anakin whipped around, his saber laying across the room with his hand, leaving him defenseless.

And Plagueis smiled.


Padmé was bored, slouched completely forward in her chair. Luke and Leia played beside her in the small senate booth, levitating blocks and giggling.

The senators droned on about the issues of potholes in the streets of the capital city, when they had promised to get to the rebellion first.

Leia giggled, floating a tiny cracker snack to her mom.

With a sigh, Padmé took the snack, crunching it in her teeth.

What was Anakin doing now? Obviously, something more exciting than what Padmé was doing.

Padmé's mind wandered as she tried to listen.


Anakin jumped over Plagueis, making a run for his saber. He skidded across the floor, his arm outstretched.

"It is useless," taunted Plagueis. "This is where the chosen one ends."

He reached out, taking the cloth of Anakin's robe, before Anakin turned and pierced his saber through Plagueis's stomach, stopping the Sith where he stood.

"What," he mumbled as he sank to the floor.

Ventress yelled as the remaining clones and inquisitors left, including Barriss, still holding one of Ventress' lightsabers.

An eerie calm descended upon the room, as the children gathered around Yoda. They cried, their tears running down their faces, letting out sobs of sadness and regret.

Anakin knew what had to follow. The Jedi would have to choose another Grand Master.

No, before even that.

He had to defeat the Sith.

He had to bring balance to the force.


Story Thanks to Emmaisdafawesomeboss

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