Luke and Leia

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Two days later.

When Anakin's eyes finally opened again, he was greeted with white light. He was dead. This must be the afterlife. The constant humming sound in the background was calming, and the bright light kept him awake, he guessed for all eternity. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light, and a few more for him to realize where he was.

He was propped up in a hospital bed, tubes coming out of his good arm, and a heart monitor to his side. The room was small, colored in light tan, with large white machines on the walls and all around. In the corner stood three chairs, one of them containing a man with light brown hair and a beard. He was slumped over, tired, but not quite asleep. He cradled his head in his hands, and he couldn't bear to look over at Anakin.

"Master," Anakin croaked.

Obi Wan's head whipped out of his hands, his eyes wide with wonder. His mouth dropped open, and then turned into a wide smile.

"Is p-Padmé okay?" Anakin's voice caught in his throat.

Obi Wan grinned, tears of joy welling up in his eyes. "Yes, she's just fine. After we brought you here, we found she was already here."

"Good," Anakin smiled. "What about Ahsoka?"

"She's just fine, Anakin. Actually, now that you're awake, Padmé has a surprise for you. One moment," he said as he left the room, with a certain skip to his stride.

He returned, his chest puffed out like a rooster, Padmé meekly following him. In her arms were two bundles of blankets, and a shy smile softened her face.

"Ani," she gasped as she entered the room. She clutched the bundles tighter, a grin erupting across her face. "You're awake!" She handed one bundle to Obi Wan, who cradled it carefully.

Anakin smiled. "What's this surprise?" He took her hand as she sat down next to him, and revealed her surprise.

Two pink babies, eyes closed tight as they slept. Anakin's heart soared, looking upon his children.

"Dad, I want you to meet the twins, Luke and Leia."

Obi Wan handed Luke to Anakin, and Anakin held him tight in his arms, tears spilling over his eyes.

"They're beautiful."

Padmé laughed. "And to think you were worried about me dying. We should have been worried about you!"

Anakin chuckled. "I'll always be around."

"You should get some rest, dear," Padmé said. Obi Wan took Luke from Anakin, and started to make his way out the door.

"Wait," Anakin called. "How many?"

Obi Wan's expression dropped.

"No," Anakin shuddered.

Obi Wan gave Luke back to Padmé, and whispered something in her ear before taking a seat next to Anakin.

Anakin felt as if he was being pressed against the bed.

"We still have to find out who exactly is all gone. That's the only way we can know who to look for."

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