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Two years later.

The small rebel base was always growing, it seemed. Younglings were the first priority, and a small team of liberated clones with the help of Master Yoda were assigned the task of identifying and moving new younglings and their families to the rebel base. Master Windu was a bit more ambitious when he finally woke, taking his small group of combatants to go find any living Jedi. With the absence of an official Jedi council, members of the Jedi alliance were given the responsibility of becoming the new council. Among those chosen were Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Kenobi, Master Skywalker, Master Tano, and Master Jarrus. Each Master took on a padawan, as well as taught the younglings, so that they would soon be able to become padawans as well.

Ahsoka was glad to lead the yearly trip to Ilum again, though the group of younglings who were passing on to become padawans was dwindling. This year, only one youngling would move on, a Twi'lek named Loki.

Every day passed with more news of the growth of the empire. Every time that the emperor conquered a new system, another group of runaway Jedi and Grays would be wiped out. Children who possessed the force would either be taken or murdered, only for the sake of recruiting new inquisitors to find more Jedi.

Barriss Offee, Ahsoka's old best friend, had taken the spot of high inquisitor. Her reach extended all the way to the furthest reaches of the middle ring, and her students were the fiercest and most dangerous. Her face was plastered all over coruscant, with captions that displayed her as the last line of defense against the evil rebel alliance. Her paintings were dark, and menacing, even without the cape and full-length skirt. She wore thick body armor that was stained with the blood of each Jedi she killed.

Ventress, although she had preferred bounty hunting, was forced to seek refuge with the rebels. Her force-using abilities were too strong, and she was an obvious target as an insurgent against the dark side. She kept to herself, avoiding contact with others. She had killed too many Jedi to be comfortable around them. Instead, Ventress spoke only with Ahsoka, and taught the powers of the dark side to young padawans. She taught them abilities that would be useful to a young Jedi, in order to manipulate and read their opponents, or bring a dangerous situation to a swift end. Most of her students were well-behaved, always finishing their homework and excelling in their work, out of fear of what she would do to them if they didn't do what they were told.

Even with the growth and flourishing of the small rebel base, danger was always present. The Sith had become very adept at hiding, and rumors of a mole were circling around the base, making everyone paranoid.

"We have to put an end to the Sith," Anakin said.

The Jedi council were sat in a small room in the center of the base, only seven chairs were arranged in the traditional circular shape, each chair housing another council member.

"I agree," said Master Kenobi, "but we cannot all just go chasing our tails around the Galaxy. We should split into groups. That way, we can cover more area."

"Master Kenobi is right," affirmed Master Windu.

"We should infiltrate Coruscant," said Ahsoka. "We know that Barriss is there, and it's the safest place for the Emperor."

"We can't leave out the outer districts," Obi Wan argued. "Maul and Sidious could be hunting for Jedi as we speak."

"We are doing what we can, but my small group cannot take on all that territory," Mace defended.

"We should split into groups," said Anakin. "Obi Wan, Ahsoka and I will take Coruscant. With just the three of us, we'll be difficult to detect. Meanwhile, Master Windu, Master Yoda and Kanan can take groups of fighters with them to search the outer rim."

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