Chapter 15

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Circe didn't sleep at night, and that saved her. Magic invaded her woods, subtle and so pervasive that she hadn't even noticed. There was, perhaps, a little hint of anxiety in the air, but she'd felt something like that ever since her friends left. She hadn't realized this was anything more, not even when she noted how all the other companions in her cabin had fallen asleep, even the nocturnal creatures.

Her link with the four friends held much of her magic and proved to be a comfort and a bane. She could, now that she was used to the link, start to sort out one thread from another. Tiernan, the one least attached to her, proved the easiest to feel for that reason. She knew he was in turmoil and the feeling that he wanted to fly away kept occurring so strongly, even while he slept, that she felt herself grow restless.

She went to the cabin's door and looked out --

And startled the men.

Their reactions were quick as they grabbed at weapons and reached toward her --

But Circe proved faster still. She lifted her hand, whispered words -- and they were gone. After several deep breaths, she realized that she had just killed those men. She didn't regret that action since she'd no doubt at all that they'd intended some evil against her, but she would have rather frightened them away.

What bothered her more was that they had ever gotten this close. She lifted a hand, brushing against the last whisper of magic that had hidden their entry and got them this far. Human magic.

Circe realized that she had a very powerful enemy. She would have to wait him out, hoping he remained interested in her and not in her wards or the prince.

With that faint whisper of human magic still in the air, she was able to trace the path back to its user, and she sent back her own subtle, whisper of power.

"You will want to learn more about me," she said aloud, adding a little more persuasion to her spell. The words startled the animals awake again, both here and in the woods. Good. "You will want to concentrate on me."

A dangerous game with a strong enemy, but she would do her part to save the world.

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