Chapter 17

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Circe sat with the rabbit in her lap, petting the soft fur as her mind wandered very far away. Her friends were in trouble. She could sense Dylan's injury, how Pet worried, and how Kalliope grew frantic.

Circe could only sit in the darkness of her cottage and feel with them as they worked out their problems. She wanted more. She wanted to go there and help them --

Move wisely, child.

"Mother?" She stood suddenly, startling the poor rabbit who leapt from her lap, though she didn't run far. "Mother, are you here again? I need help!"

We all need help. That is why the Prince is so important.

"What should I do?" She felt her despair grow, something odd that she'd never experienced before. She had always known what to do here in her woods. Now, with the wider world encroaching into her place, she felt lost and very much alone. Inadequate for the job. "What should I do, Mother?" she asked again while trying to keep her panic at bay.

Be wise. Trust whom you would always trust.

She must have meant Dylan, Kalliope, and Petkin. She did trust them but feared they were no better prepared for this trouble than she felt. Except -- except that they had all come from that wide place beyond her forest, the lands of men. They knew human ways far better than she did.

They also had Prince Tiernan with them who knew human ways even if he hadn't spent much time outside of Lord Rolin's care. The danger had now aimed at her as well. Circe hadn't thought herself a coward until now.

Be wise, be wise. Do not let go of your power without good cause. What would happen if you left this place of yours to help your friends? Consider that, child. I must go --

"Mother! I don't want to be alone here!"

Be wise.

She was gone. Circe stood in the empty cottage wondering what had brought Mother and how she might call her back. Circe knew she needed to learn many things. She had questions to ask --

And she knew that Mother's answer would remain the same: Be wise.

Be wise enough not leave her forest sanctuary. If she went out into the world, she could not draw upon the powers here. Circe would only have what magic she held at the moment she crossed that boundary, and she would face enemies before she got far.

"Ah yes. Be wise, Circe," she told herself now. "Be wise and do not let the humans win just because you ignored your own powers and limitations."

Circe could still feel the whisper of that powerful human out there, testing the boundary of her sanctuary. Her little spell to make him obsessed with her had worked very well. Good. Her friends needed this respite while Dylan recovered and the others calmed. They had a long way to go yet.

She hoped they too would be wise.

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