Chapter 45

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Kalliope wanted to laugh with joy -- such a thing that a wolf should not feel. She pushed against Circe, her nose against the woman's hand while Dylan brushed against Circe's legs and Petkin danced across her open toes, grabbed at her skirt and scurried up until he sat on her shoulder and whispered mouse words at her ear.

Circe laughed.

"Oh, Lady Circe, I'm so glad to see you safe!" Tiernan said. Human still. Kalliope could almost envy him, except that if being a wolf was the price she paid to have her friend back, Kalliope wouldn't complain.

"My prince," Circe said. Her voice sounded like music still, and birds sang in the trees nearby. "You did very well. I'm sorry to have caused you such worry. I was not certain I could come back. I could, at least, stay with you in your times of trouble. I think Mother's hand is in this change. I'm weak still, but my power will return when my forest grows again, and this will be the sanctuary it had been when you first stumbled into my realm."

"I shall order trees planted every day," Tiernan promised. His eyes looked down at Kalliope and back up again. For a moment the loss there had been too obvious, and he could not hide his own loss.

"Don't despair," Circe said and even put a hand on his arm.

"They were -- they are my friends. I'll miss their company."

"Ah, well -- that is easily corrected. They only changed now because this magic took so much of my power to bring me back to the world. The gifts I gave them are still safely in their hearts. When the moon rises tonight the power will return. They'll be human again and have the ability to change at will forever afterward. And so will you, Prince Tiernan."

Kalliope felt such an unexpected joy at those words that she yipped with a very un-wolf-like sound. Circe laughed and patted her head. Petkin looked as though he was dancing with joy. Dylan leapt into her hold when she held out her arms, and his purr grew so loud that it would have put a lion to shame.

"Captain Pela, Prince Druce. Welcome to my domain. You do not know me, but I have seen you through the eyes of my friends. Thank you for all you've done to help them."

"It was our honor, Lady Circe," Prince Druce said. Kalliope thought he looked quite steady despite everything he'd just seen. "I am pleased to know you are back. I could tell from your companions that the world was a poorer place without you."

"Such gifts as I have are small," she said. "Together, we saved the world for Mother, and are blessed for that reason alone. Come to the hut. I usually only have the hunted and hurt here. I think I shall like to have friends stop by now and then as well."

They all went into the little building. Circe bustled around the room as though serving guest was a natural event.

As though her being here was only right and proper.

They waited for the feast until the moon rose and the three could join them at the table.

They had a wonderful celebration.

Mother was strong in the world.

The End


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