Chapter 19 - Good Friends

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*apologies on another unedited chapter!  I finish them and just want to post them for you guys ASAP because I take so long to write them...I do edit them eventually, I promise!*

Chapter 19 - Good Friends

I was still clinging to Ben, enjoying the warmness that radiated from his body, when I heard a coughing sound behind me.  We jumped apart, both startled that someone had seen us.  Heat spread across my cheeks as I blushed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.  Rylin stood in the doorway, eyebrows raised and a huge smile on her face. "Rosie told me ya'll were out here," she laughed.

"Hey Ry," Ben coughed, running a hand through his hair.  I glanced at him, noticng the way he shifted his weight from foot to food.  I had never seen Ben nervous before, but something told me he was uncomfortable.

"No offense, but I came here for Shiloh," she said bluntly, reaching out of ray arm and giving me a yank. "You're with me now."

"I-I didn't know you were coming over," I stuttered, glancing over my shoulder.  Ben gave me a weak smile before turning back around.  

"I tried to call you but you didn't answer.  Obviously, you've been busy," letting my arm go, she elbowed me.  I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at her.  For some reason, I felt like I had just been caught cheating on a test.  Why did I feel guilty?  We had just been hugging. "What is going on?!"

"Nothing," I held my hands in the air, eyes wide.  Rylin had dragged me to the living room, where we both sat down on the cough.  She narrowed her eyebrows at me, as if to say she knew that was a big fat lie. "Nothing is going on...Anymore."

"Girl, cut the bullshit," she snorted, "That wasn't a friendly hug.  That was a I'm in love with you but can't do anything about it hug."

"Shut up!" I exclaimed, frantically looking around.  Thankfully, no one had come back home yet.  Something told me that Mr. and Mrs. Miller wouldn't exactly be thrilled that something was going on between me and their son. "We are so not in love."  Me, in love?  Yeah right.

"Maybe not in love, but something is going on, I'm not blind."  She pulled her phone out of her pocket, handing it to me.  On the screen was a picture of Ben and I, holding each other.  Ben had his face nuzzled into my neck, eyes closed.  You couldn't see my face, but you could see me gripping his shirt in my fists.  Surprised coursed through my body as I looked at us, mouth falling open.

"I can't believe you took a picture," I breathed.  If I hadn't been so taken aback, I might have been mad.  However, a small part of me loved the picture.  We looked like a couple, one of those tumblr couples everyone gushed about. 

"Ya'll are adorable," she gushed, snatching her phone back. "Don't worry, I'm texting you the picture now."

"And who said I want it?" I asked sarcastically, forcing a laugh.  I still felt like I was a little kid sneaking a cookie before dinner.  

"You can't lie to me girl, you'd be a terrible poker player," rolling her eyes, she stuck her tongue out at me.  I wanted to tell her that if she kept rolling her eyes, they would get stuck like that, but instead I bit my lip.  "Tell me everything that's happened."

I spent the next twenty minutes venting to Rylin.  Once I started talking I felt like I would never be able to stop.  We had only been in this house for a month and yet there was more drama then I had ever been though before.  Ben drove me crazy, and yet I was confused with this feeling I had never experienced before.  I no longer hated him.  It scared me, and yet I couldn't deny it.  

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