Chapter 34 - Hell Breaks Loose

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Author's Note: First off, I would like to apologize for how long it took me to write this chapter. I used to write a lot when I was in high school and had lots of free time, but now I guess I've reached a point in my life where I don't have that much free time, and the time I do have I spend with my friends, family, or boyfriend. It's hard to find the time to finish this book even though it's something I always promised myself I would do. Secondly, I started writing this book in 2014. That's five years ago. Along the way I've changed the plot, attempted to change the characters, and, to be quite honest, have forgotten important details that would make finishing this book almost impossible (and back to the time thing, I can never find the time to go back and re-read). I'm afraid now I've lost the ending, and I don't know where to go from here. I guess it's all about tying up the loose ends and figuring out how I want to end Shiloh's story. But to do that I need to figure out what other pieces of information I have left out or left open-ended. I guess what I am trying to say is I am truly sorry it is taking so long, and I can't promise the end will make complete sense, but it is coming probably within the next few chapters. It's time to finish this, even though, based on my current uploading schedule, that may take another year or so (joking, hopefully). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me for so long. I hope I can write an ending that you all deserve!

P.S I am not 100% sure what time of year we were at or what grade I said Shiloh and Ben were in.....I AM SO SORRY! I have tried to find the information quickly, but I couldn't. Now I am going to pretend it was almost summer, and that they were both juniors. It just makes more sense and gives me more time that I need to be able to finish this story. Please forgive me!

P.S.S Happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!  I'm off to spend some much needed time with my family, so I hope you are all enjoying your holiday! 

Chapter 34 - Hell Breaks Loose

The weeks that followed proved to be the hardest.  Savanna was doing everything in her power to keep me away from Ben, including forcing me to see a therapist twice a week.  She said it was to help me process the traumatic event, which, okay, I probably did need.  But it felt more like a way to keep me out of the house than anything.  The few glances I did get of Ben were the only thing that kept me going.  He would always send me an encouraging smile before practically running out of the room.  I was convinced Savanna had figured out some way to scare him away.

The only good thing that came out of being attacked was that I got to finish out the last few weeks of school at home.  Rylin would come and see me every day after school to keep me up to date on assignments, making sure I didn't fall behind.  Before I knew it, it was the first day of summer.  I stretched when I woke up, realizing how much hotter it was becoming.  I was not used to Tennessee heat, and it was only going to get hotter.  Immediately, I went to close my bedroom window, which I had been keeping open for fresh air.  Since I hadn't been getting out as much, it was the only way I got to feel some escape.

That morning, I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my chest.  I didn't know why and I didn't know how, but it felt easier to breathe.  Maybe it was all of the work I had been doing with Dr. Lauren.  Maybe it was because I was one year closer to graduating high school.  Either way, I slid on my running shoes for the first time in months and tied my hair into a loose, messy bun.

When I jogged down the stairs and burst into the kitchen, I found Rosie standing over the stove.  "Morning Rosie," I chirped, grabbing the jug of orange juice from the fridge.  She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye, but went back to flipping pancakes. "You okay?"

"I'm going to pretend I didn't see you in your running clothes," she mumbled, wiping a hand over her face. "You know Mrs. Miller would not want you going out alone."

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