Chapter 27 - Hawaii

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Chapter 27 - Hawaii
(WARNING: the end of this chapter contains mature content.)

Hawaii was stunning.

That's really the only way I could think of to describe it.  As soon as we stepped off of the private jet, I was speechless.  Growing up in a small town in Alaska, my sisters and I hadn't gotten to see much of the world.  This place was vibrant, green, warm - everything my town in Alaska wasn't.  I loved it.

When we arrived at our hotel, a man greeted Savanna by name and took her bag from her.  It was clear to me that she had been here many times before.  Smiling at him, I gripped Arielle's hand a little bit tighter.  She was so in awe by everything, I didn't want her to loose track of us.

The man, who's name tag read Gerardo, lead us through the lobby.  This was clearly a very nice hotel; everything seemed to be spick and span, and everyone we walked by seemed to be carrying themselves with an air of arrogance.  One lady in the corner kept shooting us dirty looks.  I'm sure she could tell that Ari and I were not of the same social standing.

Much to my surprise, Gerardo lead us past the main elevators and down a small hallway.  Savanna continued to follow, phone pressed against her ear.  She had been on the phone with Jason ever since we had landed, discussing in detail how he needed to 'run ship' while we were gone, and what time to force Skylar to go to sleep.  Finally, when we reached the end of the hall, Gerardo stopped and slid his keycard through the slot.  It beeped and the metal doors slid open, revealing a rather large private elevator.  I stepped inside, mouth hanging open a little.

What even was this place?

Pressing the button for the top floor, Gerardo turned to face us. "Is this your first time in Hawaii?" he asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I questioned, duking my head a little so he wouldn't see me blush.  I must've been gawking at everything more openly than I had thought.

"Only a little," he winked at me, turning away.  He was an older man with salt and pepper hair, extremely skinny with an olive skin tone.  He seemed nice enough.

There was another ding, and then the doors slid open. I couldn't help but gasp a little bit. The room was beautiful, lit up by the glass wall directly in front of us. In the middle of the living room hung a gigantic, shimmering chandelier. Curved white couches formed a semi circle with a fire pit in the middle. Everything looked so clean I was almost afraid to step inside.

Still chatting away, Savanna through her purse aimlessly onto one of the couches and stepped into one of the bedrooms. Gerardo turned to smile at me and my sister, gesturing for us to come inside. "Please don't be shy, I'm sure anyone of these rooms are available just for you. Will the boys not be tagging along on this trip?"

"Um, no," I said, awkwardly scratching the back of my head. With an excited squeal Arielle dropped my hand and ran away, leaving me alone with Gerardo. "Do you know when my suitcase will get here?" I wanted to change out of my airplane clothes.  Something about sitting on a plane for hours made me feel like I needed a shower, even if it was a private jet.

"We'll bring it up shortly, ma'am," he dipped his head, taking a step backwards into the elevator. One more ding and the doors slid closed, officially leaving me alone. I didn't understand hotel suites with more than one room. I had never been the type of person who could afford them, and yet here I was, in Hawaii with my sister who was about to film a movie. I was baffled.

Mesmerized by the view, I found myself drawn closer to the glass wall. All you could see for what felt like miles was white sand beach and the glistening ocean. Again, I was speechless.

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