Chapter 24 - Sister Bonding

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Chapter 24 - Sister Bonding

*WARNING: unedited chapter*

When we got home, London grabbed my wrist and immediately dragged me upstairs.  We stopped in her room where she promptly locked the door and flopped down on the bed, letting out a heavy sigh.  My stomach was still churning nervously.  Did she know about Ben and I? Was she mad?  I couldn't take it.

Her room was different colors than mine, but other than that basically had the same furniture.  Pastel pink and blue covered the duvet covering the queen sized bed as well as the decorative, fluffy pillows that were lined up against the grey headboard.  There was a white desk in the corner with her laptop open on top.  She had a window seat covered in a pink, fuzzy blanket and several pillows as well.  White curtains flowed down, covering just enough sunlight to not be blinding.  Gulping, I sat down at her desk and waited for her to speak first.

It was probably only a few seconds that we sat in silence, but it felt like an eternity.  I knew my cheeks were bright red but all I could do was hope she didn't notice.  Finally, she propped herself up on her elbows so she could look at me and said, "What would you think if I went on a date?"  Immediately a weight felt lifted off my shoulders, but my stomach clenched.

"Wait, what?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "This is about a boy?"

She groaned, throwing her head back. "Yes.  Look, I know Grams wasn't a big fan of us dating until we were out of high school, but she always said it was our choice at the end of the day.  And I know you'll say I'm still young but Shi he's really sweet, and he just...I don't know how to explain it!"  I couldn't help but chuckle.  Now she was the one with pink cheeks, and I knew it was hard for her to say these words.  She had never been one to share her crushes, she was always too embarrassed, so I knew this was serious.  "Don't laugh at me!"

"I'm not, I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, holding my hands up in surrender. "I didn't mean it like that.  It's just, I don't think I've ever seen you like this."

"You know I don't do boys ," she retorted, "At least not date them.  Flirt in secret, kiss, maybe even some...other stuff," her eyes flickered to me as my jaw dropped.

"London Quinn!  Are you telling me-"

"Don't get mad!"  She interrupted. "Not all of us wait as long as you, Shiloh."

"But you're fifteen!" I exclaimed, standing to my feet. There was an anger tearing through my chest, but not at my sister. It was directed towards the boy who had dared to touch her. "You shouldn't even know how to have sex!"

"Hate to break it to you honey, but they teach that a lot younger than fifteen," she smirked, tilting her head to the side. "Don't worry. I'm always safe and I'm not saying I sleep with every boy I meet. I'm just saying I have had sex before. My point was I've never dated, and according to the shrink grams used to send me to that's because I'm afraid of getting attached to people. People always leave. But this boy...he's different."

I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that my little sister was having sex...And way before me! After what Marks did to me I couldn't even think about being touched by a man. But she was...The mental images were so unpleasant I had to shake my head. "I hope you know I don't approve," I deadpanned.

"Can we move past the sex part!" She exclaimed, twisting so her legs hung off the bed and she was sitting, looking at me with wide eyes. "I'm trying to talk about Will."

Taking a deep breath, I went to sit beside her. My sister needed me, now was not the time to be freaking out about her sex life. "That's his name?" She nodded. "And has he already asked you out?"

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