Chapter 20 - Fire

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Chapter 20 - Fire

We headed back home, chatting along the way. I couldn't help but be pretty silent, and I wasn't sure why. I just didn't feel like talking, and I couldn't shake the weird feeling that had settled in my stomach. What was wrong with me? Ry and Marks kept asking if I was okay, and I would nod and smile, but we all knew I was lying. It was an ominous feeling that made my skin crawl. Don't be ridiculous, I told myself, shaking my head.

When we pulled up to the house, London and Gavin were sitting on the front porch, waving frantically at us. "What's going on?" I called, jogging to the door.

"Family movie night," London told me, "But your friends are more than welcome." Her eyes locked on Marks, who was trailing silently behind me, and I saw a slight glint in them. Rolling my eyes, I snapped my fingers in front of her face.

"I think we'll pass," jogging past her, I motioned for my friends to follow me inside. "How 'bout we build a fire and make smores, instead?"

It was warming up in Tennessee, but when the sun went down there was still a bite to the air.  I couldn't wait to be snuggled up by the fire, wrapped in a warm blanket and munching on chocolaty-marshmallow treats.  The rest of the family was already gathering around the TV, having finished dinner.  Rosie was busy handing out bowls of ice cream to everyone who was already seated.

"Hey, you're back," Savanna called, perking up as soon as we came into the room.  She sat in the corner of their big sofa, legs draped over her husbands legs as she leaned against the arm. "Join us!"

"Actually, I thought a campfire might be nice," I rubbed the back of my neck, sticking my bottom lip out in a pout.  She wouldn't say no, but she would try to guilt me into staying.  Savanna had a thing for family events.

Matthew and Mason immediately jumped from their place on the ground, running to wrap their arms around my waist. "Can we join?!" they exclaimed as they almost knocked me to the ground.  I shot a look at Jason and mouthed, help.  It's not that I didn't love the little squirts, it's that I didn't want to be babysitting.

"Tomorrow we can have our own fire, boys," Jason chuckled, shaking his head. "Tonight's just for Shi and her friends."

"Fine," Matthew huffed, dropping his hold on me.  A weight lifted off my shoulders. "I didn't want to go out there anyways."  Shooting Mr. and Mrs. Miller a grateful look, I turned on my heels to head to the backyard.  As I turned, I felt a pair of eyes follow me; a pair of eyes I had a sneaking suspicion belonged to Ben.

Suddenly, before I could stop myself, I called, "You coming, Miller?"  He was sitting off to the side in his usual recliner, a fact I had been aware of without even looking at him.  It was like I could sense his presence, feel his energy and know he was near. The only reply I received was a grunt as he stood up and exited the room to the kitchen. His reply made my stomach clench, but I ignored it and followed him.

I had wanted to have a fire out here ever sense Ryder had told me how the family did it. They rode their four wheelers out to the edge of the woods, right next to the lake, where there was already a fire pit ready and waiting. He said you could see every stay glistening off of the water, shining back up at you. It sounded beautiful and was definitely something I wanted to see for myself.

Ben grabbed the s'more supplies from the cupboard before we all headed outside. Ry stopped suddenly, making me pause to look at her. She grabbed Marks by the wrist, "Hey," he exclaimed. Ben stopped jogging down the porch stairs and looked at us, raising and eyebrow.

"We're gunna wait for Jeremy," Ry explained, visibly tightening her told on Marks. Go, she mouthed to me, making my cheeks flush bright red. What was she doing?

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