Chapter 31 - Karma's a B*tch

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Chapter 31 - Karma's a B*tch

I felt like my stomach had dropped all the way to the floor. How had this happened? I didn't remember even leaving the club, let alone going home with Mason. I scrambled to find my clothes, holding the blanket around my bare body, only to find they were sprawled across the floor in various different locations. My pants wouldn't be much help, though, they were ripped down the middle. Just as I was about to yell at Mason, my stomach churned and I barely made it to the restroom in time before the contents of my stomach came flying out. My head was spinning so furiously I couldn't do anything but lean my head on the seat and groan. Never. Again.

"Whoa," Masons voice sounded scratchy and even deeper than it already was. I gasped and turned around, trying to cover my still bare body. As his eyes roamed my skin I rolled my eyes and ripped a towel from the rack.

"Why am I here?" I asked, pulling myself to my feet. I was straining to remember anything from the night before, but it was a total blank. Before he could respond I was bending over the toilet again, gagging.

When I finished, Mason shoved some aspirin and a bottle of water in my face. "I don't know," he said, finally answering my question. "I was going to ask you the same thing."  I groaned, swallowing the pills quickly.  All I could hope was I would keep them down long enough to work. "The last thing I remember is we were trying to leave and some fans came up and offered me some shots."

"See, I don't even remember that!" I wiped a hand along my face, rubbing my temples. "Can I wear some of your clothes?  I think you ripped mine." My cheeks burned and I couldn't bear to look at him.  Had I really had sex with Mason James?!  Oh god, I was a whore.  What was wrong with me?!

I couldn't even look at him as he turned around and walked away.  Instead I turned on the shower and climbed inside, hoping with would help wash away some of my hangover.  Plus, I felt disgusting and I couldn't go back to my hotel looking like that.  Savanna was already going to be pissed, I didn't need to add smelling like a brewery and a hooker on top of that.   When I got out of the shower the door was closed and Mason had left some clothes on the bathroom counter.  It was just a plain black t-shirt and grey sweatpants, but both were significantly too big for me.  Shrugging, I tired the sweatpants as tight as I could and exited the bathroom.  Time for the walk of shame.

Mason was sitting on the couch, a silver cart in front of him.  It was covered in silver platters covered in silver lids.  My first thought was, fancy.  When he saw me, Mason stood up. "Hey," he said. "I feel terrible.  I don't know what happened but I shouldn't have got that drunk.  I'll buy you new clothes...But at least eat something before you leave."

My cheeks were burning red again. "Thanks, but I'm pretty sure if I eat anything I'll just throw it right back up.  Besides, I should be getting back to Savanna.  They're probably worried sick." And she couldn't even call me because she took away my cellphone.  Part of me felt smug because it was like my own form of karma, but knew I shouldn't have even left with Mason the night before.  If I was in trouble before, now I was basically dead.

"It'll help with that headache I'm sure you have," he offered me a kind smile, pulling off one of the lids to reveal a plate of fluffy waffles, hash browns, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit. "Come on, What's ten more minutes?"

"Maybe my life," I said sarcastically, but sat down next to him anyway.  A part of me wanted to be mad at Mason, but I knew I was also to blame.  If I hadn't drank so much then I would've gotten a cab and gone straight back to my hotel.  But I had gotten so caught up in wanting to forget Ben that I let myself get out of control.  A wave of guilt washed over my body, making me want to throw up all over again.  Technically it wasn't cheating because we weren't together, but then why did it feel so horrible? "So, how you feeling?" I asked, trying to distract my thoughts.

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