Ch. 2

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"Mama, Jackie forgot his necklace. He really likes this, can I go give it to him?" I asked my mother, "yes, amor, but hurry and come back" my mother said washing one of our sheets.

I nodded then ran out my home with Jackie's necklace in hand, I ran down the dirt roads to Jackie and his mother's small home.

Right when I went through their creeky wooden door I saw a tall man standing in the middle of their living room. I gasped and stepped back, clenching the wooden piece necklace in my small hand.

The man was Jackie's father. Last time I saw him was his drawn portrait on a Wanted Dead Or Alive poster around town.

"Wh-Where's Jackie?" I asked trying to look around him.

"Jackie, my boy, is going to live with his ol' pops. Say your goodbyes, lass" he said taking a step towards me. I backed up and tears brimmed my eyes.

"No! Please, Sir! Don't take Jackie! He's my only friend!" I shouted and cried clenching the wooden piece of jewelry.

"Sorry, lass' His old lady is sick, she can not care for him for much longer, and besides, Jackie belongs with me at sea, to become a real pirate!" He said emotionless as can be.

"Okay father, I'm ready.." Jackie came out from the door of the bedroom his mother and him share. His long hair, for an 8 year old, was braided nicely, most likely by his dying and frail mother.

"Jackie, Please! Tell me he's lying!! You promised me you were not going to leave me! You can't break the promise you made to me!" I began sobbing loudly.

"Promise? Aye, that is where my jackie boy has mistaken' , Pirates don't make promises, especially not to little girls, sorry, lass" he said picking Jackie up and his potato sack like bag most likely filled with his clothes and personal belongings.

Jackie's father threw the bag over his shoulder and Jackie only looked down at me, tears brimming his young chocolate brown eyes as I wailed and called him a liar and shouted at him that he had betrayed me and how I never wanted to see him again.


"Jack?" I asked above a whisper, he cocked his eye brow.

"H-how old are you, J-Jack" I asked him looking into his chocolate brown eyes.

"I be 19, why must ye' ask?" He answered simply. I glanced at him and the pirates. "Jacqueline.." I whispered to myself, looking down.

I looked up at him, "Can we talk... Alone" I asked him.

He looked at the pirates around him and they immediately came towards me. I jumped back further into my cell watching the pirates' as they pulled out keys and unlocked the door of the cell I was currently in.

I didn't move an inch, I was afraid they'd grab me, "now ye' are all dismissed" Jack said to his men.

They all stared at me for a while before they turned around and left up the stairs.

Jack stared at me for a second before gesturing me to walk. He nudged his head to the side.

My feet slowly began to walk towards the door. "Hurry I don't have all the patience in the world' " he said.

I was finally out and just looked down at my hands. A habit I picked up after I went to live with my father.

"Why must ye ask for me age?" He asked me. I glanced up , "Can- Can you remember back 11 years ago?" I asked him.

"I remember me mum dying, why would ye want me to remember that?" He Said sounding emotionless.

I gasped and my eyes scanned my surroundings. "Jacqueline?" I said his name again, this time loud enough for him to hear.

"Don't call me that. That is not me name" He spat.

"Jackie" I whispered to him, my voice breaking.

He lifted up my chin quickly and looked into my eyes.

"Why and How do you know me real name and me given nickname by me father, uncle and me mum?!" He shouted at me.

I began to get flashbacks of my father grabbing my face, forcing me to look him in the eye while I cried. He screamed into my face in Spanish, yelling at me how I need to be more like a lady and that I act too much like my mother whom he hated for reason unknown to me.

My eyes brimmed with tears as I heard and mentally felt the harsh and stingy pain of the slaps he gave me across the face.

"STOP IT!" I shouted at Jack and pushed his hand away and him.

"I will not be man handled again! Don't you bloody ever grab me like that!!" I shouted at him.

He stayed quiet and looked at me with mixed emotions, surprised, confused and realization.

"Mari?" He finally asked.

"What?!" I shouted at him, tears falling down my Face.

"Marina." He said my real name this time, He stepped towards me.

"I remember... A child... With fair skin, a beautiful smile and light brown wavy hair, she always ha' it pinned up... She wore beautiful dresses her mum ma'e 'er... Her eyes..were a deep green color... That would turn much brighter when she cried or was afraid... Ye were her!" He said looking down and finally at me.

"And you made a promise, Jack!" I cried out to him.

"A promise?! I Was 8, Ye expected me to keep it, ye're crazy!" He said and began to walk away.

"We were best friends, Jackie! My mama looked after you when you're mom couldn't! I helped you against every danger in the world that can come to a child! Or at least I tried! You were there for me like I was there for you! You watched me cry, you've seen my dad raise his hand at me, and you've seen my mama and papa fight! We went through so much! And now it seems like none of it matters to you!" I shouted at him.

"Get in through yer' head that we were children!" he walked towards me again.

"No it does NOT matter to me because we were children!.. CHILDREN!! Stop dwelling in the past and MOVE ON! I'm a pirate and I do not keep promises, Now quit yer' crying" He shouted at me now directly in front of me.
"Nunca confíes en un hombre" I whispered to myself and turned around. "what?" He asked.

"Never trust a man!" I shouted at him.

He only grinned, "I didn't ask for you to trust me" he simply said then turned around to begin walking away.

"Also. Ye have two Options. Stay down here, freeze or starve to death.. Or come up to the deck with me in me captain's quarters where ye will eat, keep warm and have better clothes than what ye are wearing" he said then he looked me up and down. I crossed my arms in front of me.

"You were being a bloody asshole earlier and now you want me to live with you in your quarters?! Piss off, Jack!" I shouted at him.

"Suit yerself" he said then walked up the stairs.

Did he seriously not put me back in my cell?

Whatever. I'm not gonna risk getting attacked up on deck or something. I wasn't born yesterday...

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Sea Mistress (Pirates'FF) {Dead Man Tell No Tale}Where stories live. Discover now