Ch. 12

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"Miss Salazar! The island is in vision, Black clouds surrounding it! How will we get through?" Tybalt approached me.

"By growing a pair and taking a little pouring water" I shouted at all the men, Jack barked orders out loud to ready the ship for the storm.

"Can't you control the storms?!" Jack shouted at me, growing nervous. "Are you an idiot?! I control the seas not the bloody weather!" I shouted at him.

"To control the weather I need that skull" I said smirking at him, "then I'll be just like my grandmother" I chuckled then wore a blank expression as I walked out to the front of the ship and stared out, hanging on
to a rope for some support.

Soon enough we had been thrashed around in the black beaches of the island, but I kept the waters as steady as i could while we got through the storm.

"If this destroys me ship yer gettin' me a new one!" Jack shouted at me, "quit being a baby!" I shouted keeping my hands steady and trying to remain focus on the waters we were on.

Thunder roared above us, I looked up at the dark clouds seeing lighting rays flashing. They started to shoot down at us, Jack's men scattered like ant's under a magnifying glass, while I kept my spot. "Mari! Move!" Jack shouted at me, I ignored him , my hands shaking at how much force I was putting to not be swallowed by the black sea.


Jack shouted again and soon I was tackled to the ground , my focus was lost immediately. I grunted at the impact and quickly propped myself on my elbows seeing a lighting ray shoot down where I was standing , seconds ago, taking out a crew member.

The sea began to act up, "WHAT THE HELL, JACK!" I shouted at him in pure anger standing up the best I could because of the sea rocking the ship harshly.

"I rather have ya mad at me than dead, Marina" he said standing up as well.

I only glared at him as we stumbled.

"I already lost ya years ago, I ain't gonna lose ya again!" Jack shouted over the claps of thunder.

My cold glare I had fixated in him, softened, jack was getting sentimental.

"I'm sorry I get ya mad and driva ya to do crazy things, but it's only cause I don't want ya hurt and I need ya to be tough when ol' jack can't be there for ya" he said coming closer to me.

"Uh, Mistress?" tybalt shouted holding onto some ropes, but my gaze was on jack, he came to me and my fingers were brought up to play with his small dreadlocks.

I hate him so much but at the same time I don't. But I do.

He leaned down , "marina" he whispered , I stepped back but he stepped forward towards me again, and tilted his head and his lips soon found mine.

I jolted back and swiftly turned around , walking away from him.

I heard some of his men snicker at him, I attempted to try to calm the sea but it was too late, a huge wave rose up from the sea.

"Marina! Control it!!!" Jack shouted, staring horrified at the wave. "I can't!" I shouted having my hands tremble in front of me.

As quickly as we had seen it rise, the ship was tipped over, crashing into the black shores while myself, jack and some other crew members fell into the dark waters.

We swam up to the surface, gasping for the air that we needed.

"Where's Manuel?" I looked around, still keeping myself afloat.

"Lad can't swim!" Tybalt shouted swimming to shore and so did several men. Jack just looked at me hut swam to me inspecting me for my next move.

"We need to get him" I turned to him, "he isn't our problem anymore, we need to go to shore Mari!" He shouted "Then you go! I'm going to find Manuel!" I said turning around, jack caught my wrist under the water and made me face him.

"The waters are too dangerous and dark, ya don't know what's down there, Marina!" he said. "whatever it is , I'm the sea mistress!" I said to him, "get out of yer head Mari! Yes yer the mistress, I understand! But whatever is down there might not! Ya've seen yer creatures! The kraken nearly killed me! Didn't follow instructions!" He shouted, "because you were an enemy in her eyes!" I shouted then looked around confused, "eye" I corrected myself, he Rolled his eyes at me then tugged me to him, I was now clinging on to his soaked attire and my hands were gripping his shirt, "jack no!" I shouted at him as he attempted to swim with me struggling and going the other way.

"ya don't understand do ya?! I don't wanna lose ya! " he shouted at me, making me look into his eyes, "Mari, I know we fight. I know I get ya angry. I know ya hate me, but my feelings ain't the same. I feel a warm feeling with ys, nothing I've ever felt in my life since I was a kid, and that was with ya, it's always been ye" he said caressing my damp hair.

I shook my head repeatedly. "Mari" he said "no" I said "marina" "no" I kept shaking my head. "please-"

"MOVE JACK!" I shouted and got off of him diving the most I could with him attempting to grab my feet.

He was right though. I couldn't see anything, I had to attempt to communicate with some sea creatures so they can help my find Manuel, if he even was down there.

As I looked around, I felt things swimming past me, quickly, knowing those were the sea creatures I had communicated with.

But what I heard next made me blood run cold again.

It was the call of the Sea dragon. The sound was awfully close this time, and real unlike my visions.

I heard what sounded like heavy breathing, it was still the sea dragon, it was getting close.

"Cessabit" I said, my voice shook "calm" I repeated in English.

The Sea Dragon screeched again, I couldn't see that Damned thing! But I feel it! I can hear it.

Before I could do anything , I heard what sounded like really fast swimming. I turned around attempting to swim away but then I felt dozens of things swimming past me, singing and moaning.

Mermaids. They're back.

I attempted to rise to the surface but something caught my hand and began dragging me through the waters.

"i have you mistress! You should not be down here!" A familiar voice said.

Mermaids are fast because in a few seconds we were all panting on the shore, the girl's tails were disappearing and soon were to be bare.

But they all picked up articles of clothing the crew members ditched.

I took off my coat and my skirt, I had under garments anyways and chucked it at the girls. taking off my waist coat as well. The men all were too traumatized to be pigs with us girls.

But jack didn't like the idea I was stripping because he ran to me taking off his own waist coat and putting it on me. I rolled my eyes, then remembered what I had gone back under water for.

'Where's manue!" I shouted looking around frantically, scanning every body on shore.

A mermaid came out of the water a little late but she placed down a limp, damp body on the black sand while she balled herself up in a ball shielding her body.

A crew man got up, taking off his long shirt, exposing his hairy chest but he handed it to me, "thank you" I said to him, Tybalt also took off his waist coat and shirt because his coat was already ditched. I gave the girls his shirt and waist coat and I ran to the girl who brought the body, I placed the damp clothes on her and looked at the body she brought.

It was Manuel.

He wasn't breathing.

"I tried, Miss" she sobbed, "its okay" I consoled her, I looked back at Manuel.

He still had a pulse, I can hear it.

I commenced a CPR session on him, placing both my hands over one another pushing against his chest, the middle of it where the chest bone lies then placed my mouth over his , closing his nose. I repeated the process a few times and nothing happened.

Jack came running over, "are ya trying to kiss him or bring him back to consciousness"

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Sea Mistress (Pirates'FF) {Dead Man Tell No Tale}Where stories live. Discover now