Chapter 1

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Sticky sweat trickles down my temple as I try to regulate my ragged breathing. Hiding isn't something that's new to me, but it's not something I particularly enjoy. It's a necessity to survival when you're a rogue. Running can only get you so far in this world.

I move slightly to the left to try to peer around the trunk of the tree only to step on a stray branch laying on the forest floor. The crack resonates throughout the vast landscape alerting him of my location.  Turning, I  sprint in the opposite direction hoping to gain some distance. It proves to be fruitless seconds later when, I feel sharp jagged claws tearing deep into my calf muscles destroying flesh and muscle. My leg instantly gives out, causing both of us to tumble to the ground and roll through brush full thorns that scrape the skin all over my body, leaving a burning sensation in their wake.

Before I can distinguish up from down, my skull is smashed back into the ground. I look my attacker in the face trying to determine his motive. Right away I can tell this isn't someone my father sent to retrieve or kill me. It's a regular, plain, yet extremely dangerous rogue.

Assessing the dark dull eyes of the rogue I notice the amount of scars all around his weathered face. This guy has been a rogue for a long time, he hasn't had interaction with other wolves, let alone any pack in a extended amount of time. The emotionless expression on his face as his fingers tighten around my already raw throat, from his earlier attempts to take my life, inform me that my death won't affect his conscious after I'm gone. Finally, his lack of mark that would be placed somewhere on the side of his neck indicates he's got nothing to lose.

Weighing my options on how to get out of this situation only takes a split second as I pull my arm back before slamming my fist as hard as I can into his Adam's apple. I roll out from underneath him and pick up the first big rock I can find. The rock making contact with the back of his skull lets out a loud boom. His unconscious body topples to the ground.

The first step I take to run painfully reminds me of the gashes on my right calf. I know I can't run fast enough to escape him. I try to remember which packs are near by. The last time I recorded my location was nearly a week ago, and it was hundreds of miles away. Even though I have had eight years to memorize all packs and where they are located I never got around to it.

The sound of groaning breaks me out of my thoughts. I run as hard as I can considering my leg is oozing out blood. I take a deep breath trying to catch the scent of anyone that isn't myself or my assailant. I cut north when I smell a faint hint of a vanilla-lavender mix indicating a pack is nearby. Without a second thought I feel myself cross the border from neutral territory onto pack land. I know no matter which pack I just entered, someone has already felt my presence. Unable to wait much longer, I let out a blood curdling scream hoping to speed up the process of asking for backup.

I whip around just in time to feel a familiar body slam into mine. The only two outcomes of this situation is him killing me before anyone can get to us, me killing him before anyone get to us, or holding him off until someone arrives. I pick option three. Before I have the chance to attack he already has my one good leg in a death grip, and I'm too late once I realize what his plan is. The crunch of the bones in my left leg echos through the trees. Suddenly it's as everything is in slow motion, the shock hits before the pain. I think I'm screaming out in pain but all I can hear is the ringing in my ears. The trees in my peripheral vision are spinning. My stomach aches to empty its contents.

His sick sadistic smirk is the last thing I see before a golden blur snatches him off of me. I turn on my side gagging due to the excruciating pain pulsing up both my legs. After I regain some of my strength I try to sit up only to fall right back down. Looking up at the sky between the leaves of the trees, I try and process how I got here. How after so many years on my own does it end this way? I start to panic when the sunlight is beginning to be obscured by black dots.

"Hey! Stay awake for us!" Yells a guy with hazel eyes. I can tell by the way his eyes are running over my body he is trying to figure out the full extent of my injuries. Based on the way his eyes widen when his eyes land on my legs I know it's not good. I almost don't notice the second presence on my right due to my wolf's weekend state.

"Violet said it would work best to get her to the doctor ourselves than have him come all the way out here." Blue eyes looks across from me to hazel eyes. I can tell that they are both mind linking by the cloudy look in their eyes.  It isn't more than a couple seconds later that hazel eyes looks back down at me.

"What's your name?" He questions in a very  blunt and emotionless tone. I go to chuckle which is bad mistake because it strains the muscles that are all torn and bruised from sliding on the forest floor, which is riddled with rock and sticks. The blue -eyed man immediately reacts, helping me sit up.

"Her name doesn't matter right now Alex, we need to get her to the pack doctor." I go to protest but it's too late. Hazel eyes or "Alex" picks me up while trying to avoid any of my wounds, which is easier said than done. I hiss out in pain squeezing my eyes shut as if that will help in some way. When I open them back up again everything thing is a blur. The trees are whizzing past us as he runs with me in his arms.

"Della, my name is Della." At this point there is no benefit in not telling them my name. I'm already feeling lightheaded from losing so much blood. If I don't make it at least they'll have a name for the report.

As my eyes are closing we break a tree line. I lift my heavy lids to get a look at where we are going. Ahead of us is a three-story building painted white with a red medical symbol above the doors. I hear a loud gasp and realize we are running right past pack members going on about their daily lives. I don't get to think about what they must think because we burst through the front doors of the pack hospital.

"Violet!" Alex screams causing me to flinch slightly do to his close proximity. I notice blue eyes running down the hallway in a different direction. 

"Oh my god! Emeric didn't mention her condition was this dire." A women with dark eyes frantically rushes over. She quickly looks me over then points down the white hall. "Last door on the left." Alex doesn't hesitate rushing into the exam room and placing me on the uncomfortable hospital bed. I groan, feeling dizzy when the room starts to spin.

"What happened?" The woman asks while trying to get my vitals.

"We peeled some rogue off her. She had already lost a lot of blood by the time we got there." Alex answers while trying to wipe some off my blood off his arms. The woman turns her attention to me.

"What hurts the most right now?" She attempts to hold eye contact with me, but it's getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

"My leg and back." I manage to wheeze out.

"Alex can you get an IV started?" She rushes cutting my shirt off to try and get a look at my back. When I feel the prick of the IV the door to the room is pushed open. A older man with a white doctor's jacket comes in with blue eyes trailing behind him. He takes one look at me before turning to the women.

"Prep for surgery." It's the last thing I hear before the black splotches in my vision completely take over, and suddenly I'm drifting into oblivion.

Song: Six Feet Under-Jerry Folk Remix by Billie Eilish, Jerry Folk

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. If you did I would be so thankful if you could vote! Until next time.

~Stella Gordon

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