Chapter 25

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"Della." I groan out at the voice waking me up way earlier than I wanted to get up. The problem is the voice isn't Aidan's because his isn't as high pitched as the one whispering my name. "Luna Della I'm hungry." I almost forgot Tessa slept in Fletcher's old room last night. I push myself up rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Tessa is sitting on the bed next to me waiting for me to get up.

"What are you hungry for sweetie?" I ask as we make our way out of the room, so we don't wake Aidan up. I know he snuck out last night after I fell asleep to finish up some paperwork, so we could meet with someone from the council today. He wants this to get resolved as quickly as possible which I understand, but he still needs his rest.

"Can we make French toast?" She takes ahold of my hand as I shut the bedroom door behind us. Fletcher thought that it would be best if she spent her first night here with us since she knows me the most, and then we will slowly transition her into living with Fletcher and Ryder.

I lift her up and sit her on the counter while I grab all the bowls and ingredients for French toast. She watches with intrigue as I get the bread, bacon, and eggs out. I know not everyone will want French toast so I'll just make extra eggs.

"Della?" She looks up at me some of her hair has fallen into her face from bedhead, so I tuck the strands of hair behind her ears.

"Yes sweetheart." I stop my mixing and give her my full attention.

"Where is my mom?" I knew this was going to come up soon, but it still rattles me when the words come out of her mouth. After she woke up from her nap yesterday it was like she forgot what happened. Almost as if her brain suppressed the whole incident. Even if we are right and she suppressed it all that doesn't mean we are in the clear. She remembers her mom and is wondering where she is.

"Do remember what happened yesterday?" I want to know what she knows first so I don't make the situation any worse. She looks down for a second in thought tapping her chin.

"I woke up and was with Fletcher and Emeric and they let me color until you got home and then we had our sleep over." She looks proud of herself for remembering. To be fair she's not wrong because that's what we told her was going on last night, and she was super ecstatic to have a sleep over.

"Yes, but yesterday in the morning something happened." I pause to try and find the best way to tell her. It would be nice if literally anyone else was awake to help me, but it seems like everyone has decided to sleep in. It's not like I can blame them either. "Bad men came into our pack to hurt people." Her eyes widen in fear and I stop to change my course of action.

"Is my mama hurt?" She sound worried and it breaks my heart. I can't help it when her eyes well up with tears so do mine.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." I whisper out scared if I say anything more my voice will crack. Her bottom lips starts to wobble so I move to comfort her, picking her up I hold her as tight as I can.

"Is she going to be okay?" She whimpers into my shoulder. I bite my lip to hold in the sob I want to let out. I'm so relieved she doesn't remember seeing her mom in that state yesterday, but having to tell her that her mom is gone is torture.

"Your mom is gone, but I promise you it's going to be okay." I pull back to look at her in the eyes so she knows I'm not lying to her. "Your mom loved you so much, and she will continue to watch out for you. She will watch over you along side the moon goddess." I'm hoping she's understanding where I'm trying to go with this. She sniffles as I wipe her tears from her blotchy cheeks.

"Where will I live?" She still looks stunned by everything, but still has questions. I take a deep breath not wanting to freak her out about having to live with new people.

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