Chapter 27

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"Can I wake them up?" I hear Tessa's voice that's muffled by the bedroom door. Opening one eye I see sunlight peeking through the edges of the curtains. I feel like I just fell asleep but also feel very well rested at the same time. Most likely from all of the running and extra physical activity last night.

"Breakfast is ready!" Tessa yells as the door is thrown open.  Even though I was already awake it scares the shit out of me.  I jump up clutching the blanket to my chest to make sure she doesn't notice I'm naked underneath. Aidan on the other hand is dead asleep and freaks the fuck out. He attempts to jump up but trips over the sheets and blankets falling off the bed and landing face first into the floor. Thankfully he fell on the opposite side of the bed so Tessa can't see him.

"I'm sorry we'll come back." Fletcher manages to stutter out with his mouth hanging open. I give him a pointed look that's snaps him out of it, and he bends down to pick up Tessa and get her out of here before we scar her for life.

"Aidan!" She shrieks while pointing over Fletchers shoulder. Fletcher and I snap our heads to where she's pointing. I gasp at Aidan's bloody nose. He's still sitting on the ground so you can only see his head. With sleep still in his eyes he squints taking in the scene in front of him.

"I'm okay sweetie." He groans out contradicting his words. I look back at Tessa sympathetically.

"We'll be right out." She still looks a little concerned as Fletcher closes our bedroom door. I slide over to Aidan's side of the bed, reaching out I take a hold of his chin to assess the damage. There is no bruising yet, and his nose doesn't look broken. Unfortunately his nose is still bleeding, so I climb out of bed completely ignoring my naked state and go into the bathroom. I grab a wash cloth running it under warm water. Aidan is sitting on the end of the bed when I walk back into the room. I walk over to him wiping the dried blood under his nose, and holding the cloth to his nose lightly so I don't injure him further.

"Thank you." He whispers closing his eyes briefly before he reaches up taking ahold of the cloth. I let him hold it up himself as I slip into the closet throwing on some leggings and a plain black t-shirt, and snag Aidan some sweatpants and a shirt. I take the cloth from him throwing it into the hamper in the bathroom as he gets dressed, and jump slightly as I turn around because he's already standing behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

"Good morning." He mumbles against my lips in between kisses. I giggle as he buries his face into my neck nipping at my mark. I smack at his chest trying to get out of his hold. "I love you too." He sarcastically remarks as he takes a step back giving me some room to breath.

"Oh honey." I suppress my laughter while grabbing some toilet paper. Aidan's nose is still bleeding just not as bad as before. He turns his head looking into the mirror and groans frustrated. "Here hold still." I lean up onto my toes in order to reach his face. I shove enough toilet paper into his nose to keep it from bleeding anymore than it already has. I take his hand pulling to the door. "Let's go get you some breakfast."

I'm delightfully surprised to see Violet and Alex sitting in their normal spots at the table. I'm glad he's feeling better so they can join us again. Aidan and I sit down, and I start to grab some bacon and a pancakes for my plate. Aidan as usual grabs the leg of my chair bringing me closer to his. I glare at him because I had to grab ahold of my glass and plate to move them over in time, but he just kisses my temple in response.

"Nice mark." I look up at Emeric confused at his complement. I've had my mark for a while why would he say something about it now. The problem is he's looking at Aidan not me. I snap my head to look at Aidan's neck and my cheeks immediately get hot. Right by the collar of his shirt is a giant raw mark. I almost completely forgot about marking him last night. I blame our startling wake up call.

Rogue To Luna Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon