Chapter 32

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Sirens pierce through the quiet air around us as I push myself to run faster. Whoever is behind me isn't giving up, and if it were just me right now I would stop and gladly kick their ass. Sadly I have Tessa with me, and my main priority is getting her to somewhere safe. Never did I imagine when I agreed to take Tessa on a picnic today that we would end up here, running for our lives.

"Della where are you?!" Aidan shouts through our mate link.

"Who has Tessa?!" Fletcher desperately screams throughout our family link. I feel the tears start to build up, but I need to hold them back and be strong for Tessa right now. If she sees me freaking out it will only make this situation worse.

"What's going on?" Tessa screeches from my arms looking around frantically. I know the moment she sees the man chasing us because she lets out a blood curdling scream. I flinch, the sound causing me to shudder, but I don't stop running.

"I have Tessa. We are being chased by a rogue, and are heading to the pack house. Going to be coming in from the west side." I push myself to move faster. The cold weather is forgotten from the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I round the last turn in the path and the pack house becomes visible in the distance.

I don't have time to let out a sigh of relief when I see Ryder and Aidan stumbling down the back steps. Aidan takes off in our direction at full speed as I cradle Tessa to my chest giving her head one last kiss. Aidan jumps over us shifting in the mid air  and pouncing on the rogue behind me. I pass Tessa off to Ryder, and he doesn't hesitate to turn and speed back into the house, no doubt getting her to the safe room.

I turn to catch Aidan ending the rogue's life with one final twist of the neck. I bend down resting my hands on my shaky knees heaving to try and catch my breath. Sweat is dripping down my face and my lungs are burning. Aidan shifts back ignoring his naked state and rushes over to me, reaching me in a few strides he pulls me into his chest.

"Blake's coming. Raven called. She said he's coming with men. The man was watching. It's happening." I take big gasps of air in between each sentence desperately trying to catch my breath. I'm shaking in Aidan's arms as the reality of what's happening sets in. Aidan pulls back delicately taking my face into his hands, and he's trying to mask his utter terror but is starting to crack.

"I know you won't, but please stay in the bunker with Violet and Tessa." I hear the anguish in Aidan's voice as he pleads with his eyes. I shake my head pulling back out of his arms.

"I took and oath to our pack to protect them even if it means sacrificing myself, and I don't plan on breaking that." He opens his mouth, but Ryder comes barreling down the steps running over to us.

"Dillion and his men are still on the border waiting. It seems like their sending them in waves." Ryder informs us. We start running south east where rogues are spilling over our defenses and into our land.

"Have warriors stationed at different buildings  where we don't have bunkers. It'll psych the rogues out and hopefully keep the actual bunkers safe. Make sure we have eyes on the bunkers though just in case." I pant out as we near the field. Ryder eyes glaze over clearly giving the order. 

We jump out of the brush into the field, and I stop dead in my tracks. I look around at the sheer carnage in front of us in shock. I knew it was going to be horrible, but I never thought it would be this devastating. Warriors are strewn around the field their eyes staring lifelessly up at the grey sky as men and women fight desperately to save their pack. It almost makes me go numb until my eyes connect with his. Blake waiting safely behind a row of his best men just watching the bloodshed in front of him like a psychopath. He smirks waving to me from across the field as if there aren't bodies of innocent people separating us.

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