Chapter 23

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"Della." I roll over facing away from the voice that's trying to wake me up. I feel so tired and groggy which is weird because I pretty sure I've been asleep for a while. "Della it's time to wake up." I snap my eyes open to look out the window and see it's still pretty dark outside.

"Last time I checked I didn't have to get up this early." I grumble out as I roll back over seeing Aidan sitting on the edge of the bed smiling down at me.

"I agree with you, but sweetheart it's lunch time." He snickers as he brushes my hair out of my face. I widen my eyes looking to the alarm clock, and sure as shit it's noon. "It's normal for you to need extra rest after being marked." He moves my hair to the side to look at my mark. I reach up to touch it but quickly pull my hand back when pain shots from the mark. "It is also normal for it to be a bit tender at first."

"You should have woken me up earlier. Did I miss anything?" I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom with Aidan following close behind me.

"Nothing important. The council called back last night." I stop brushing my teeth resting my hands on my hips.

"Why didn't you tell me last night? Wait what did they say?" My curiosity outweighs my anger at the moment. He crosses his arms leaning against the doorframe.

"They can't bring the case forward since there is no proof that Annabella was working directly for Blake or Raven." He gives me a sad smile. I understand why he didn't tell me last night, but it still frustrates me that he had to deal with it on his own.

"What do you want to do about it?" I wash my face waiting for him to answer. I dry my face quickly when I don't get a response. Aidan's looking off to the side at nothing in particular clearly lost in thought. I walk up to him wrapping my arms around his waist to get his attention.

"It pisses me off that they are doing nothing about it, but I know you're going to want to approach this situation in a different way."

"You're right I do want to approach this in a way that doesn't mean going down there and tearing him apart limb by limb just like I know that's what you want to do." That gets a smile on his face. "Now let's get some lunch because I'm starving and then we can deal with this shit show." I walk passed him and out of our room.

"Morning well Afternoon." I briefly glance at Fletcher sitting at the kitchen table before going to the cabinet to get a glass for water. I turn around a see Fletcher eating a sandwich casually, but it's not what he's eating that almost make me choke and die it what's on his neck.

"Is that a mark?" We both yell at each other at the same time. He must have noticed mine just as I noticed his.

"I'm assuming you won't be staying in your room anymore." I smirk as his cheeks darken with blush. He just flips me off going back to eating.

"Now you can't say much can you?" Aidan walks in purposely poking my side as he walks passed me. I turn glaring at him which he returns with a playful wink.

"When should we open presents?" I walk over and sit next to Fletcher. He gives me a questioning look tilting his head to the side. "We got you birthday presents." I clarify.

"You didn't have to do that." He wipes his mouth with his napkin before continuing. "My gift was being accepted into this pack." Of course he would consider that a gift.

"It doesn't matter because they are already wrapped. How about after dinner tonight?" I stand up and start to make a sandwich for myself.

"Sounds good." He stands up bring his dishes to the sink to wash. Aidan walks back in the room heading over to me.

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