Chapter 31

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A cool breeze dances across my bare skin leaving goosebumps in it's wake. I stir slightly not wanting to wake Aidan, who I know is still asleep by his tight grip on my waist. I peel his arm away gently and find my shirt to throw back on. Once I'm dressed I grab my jacket due to the sudden temperature drop, and I zip open the tent stepping out into the cold dark night. Looking back to make sure Aidan didn't wake up from all my movement, I close the tent and walk over to the small fire still going.

Alex is sitting alone staring into the flames lost in thought. Not wanting to scare him too bad I purposefully let out a large sigh. He turns his head to the left to glance at me giving me a small smile.

"Hey." He greets me as I sit down on the log next to him. I pull the sleeves of my jacket down over my hands attempting to warm up my freezing fingers. The temperature must have dropped fast because there are small snowflakes falling. It most likely won't stick because it's only a few flakes, but it's still a reminder on how close winter is.

"Hey, I hope nothing happened while I was asleep?" Alex shakes his head. He reaches into his bag pulling out a plain navy blue winter hat and hands it to me without another word. "Thanks." I take it from him and slide it on so it covers my ears. On top of the snow there is a slight breeze nipping at any exposed skin.

"Your welcome. Aidan would have my head if you got sick on my watch." We both chuckle.

"I can take over so you can get some sleep." I raise my hands towards the fire to try and warm them up.

"I'm fine. You had a long day you should get as much sleep as you can. The council is coming tomorrow and I know much you love them." He jokes nudging me with his elbow.

"True, but I would feel bad if I didn't take a shift." I stand up and throw an extra log onto the fire. Alex's look off in thought for a second before he turn his attention back to me.

"You know none of this is your fault right?" He looks upset almost. I walk back over and sit next to him. I understand where he's coming from, but there's no way to sugar coat it in the end it is my fault.

"In a way it is though. I mean if I wouldn't have showed up none of this would be happening." I take a deep breath trying to stop the lump in my throat from forming. Alex shakes his head looking down.

"Della you are the best thing to happen to this pack. A pack needs their Luna, and Aidan needs you. Sure your parents are shitty people, but that isn't your fault. A war was bound to go done with Blake at some point. It's just a bit sooner than originally thought." He shrugs letting the words sink in. He stands up stretching his arms above his head. "I'm going to go check on Violet if that's alright?"

"Of course. Thank you again Alex for everything you do. You're a pretty amazing Beta if I must say." A smile takes over his face at the compliment, but I see the bit of blush taking over his cheeks.

"I'll see you in the morning." He nods one last time turning and heading down the path that will take him to the pack house. I'm happy that Violet has a mate like Alex to take care of her. Violet can take care of herself, but she worries too much and I know Alex helps her with that.

I stand back up and head into the tent we ate dinner in last night. There will be a shift of patrols soon so I want to make some fresh coffee for them to help warm them up. It sucks that we have to have a constant stream of warriors running the perimeter all day and night, but it's a precaution we have to take until this is resolved.

I set up plenty of cups as the machine gurgles the fresh coffee into the pot. Lost in my own mind I don't hear someone walk in behind me. Arms wrap around my waist trapping me to the table.

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