Chapter 19

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I'm so exhausted right now because Aidan and I spent most of the night in the kitchen talking. We managed to get a couple hours of sleep before the banging and clanking of pots and pans woke us up. Breakfast was quiet except for some light conversation.

I'm now sitting on the same field that I kicked Emeric's ass on yesterday. Emeric is setting up certain equipment for specific people that are slowly starting to show up. I recognize a few faces from yesterday waving at those that greet me with a hello.

"Are you ready to warm up?" Emeric smirks at me as I yawn for the billionth time today. I flip him off laying back on the ground staring up at the clouds. The sun is suddenly blocked from my face by a dark shadow. I look over to see Annabella from yesterday standing next to me.

"Morning Luna." She smiles down at me extending her hand to help me up. I return her smile and grab her hand so she can pull me up. Brushing off all the dirt and grass left on my pants I pull my hair into a tight ponytail.

"Morning Annabella." I look around to see almost all the warriors are already here and stretching. Emeric told me that the warm up today was going to be a run through the forest so I better join them in stretching out my muscles.

"How was the rest of your day yesterday?"

"It was lovely. I hope I didn't make you late yesterday when I stoped you." Her eyebrows draw together worriedly.

"Not at all, I just had to go meet with Aidan and didn't want him to worry." I explain why I had to cut our conversation short.

"Alright everyone three miles." Emeric booming voice cuts through all conversations demanding attention. The whole group follows Emeric and starts jogging towards the tree line. I stay beside Annabella instead of moving up by Emeric. 

"I hope it's alright if I stay with you." I don't want to be annoying and bother her but she's nice company. She looks shocked for a second but masks it with a smile.

"I would love to run with you." We break into a steady pace keeping up with the group.

"Is everything okay back there?" Emeric mind links me.

"Yeah, I think I'm making a new friend!" It's always been hard to make new friends and being a rogue for so long has put a damper on my social skills. I have the boys and Violet but I consider them more like family than friends. It would be nice to have a few people I just consider friends to socialize with.

"Have you always wanted to be a warrior?"

"Not always. When I was younger I wanted to be a doctor, but once I got older it just didn't hold my interest as much."

"I get that. When I was younger I wanted to be head warrior, but now that I'm Luna I can't see myself doing anything else."

"I must say you are really great at being Luna. You're kind, understanding, and smart. The pack just feels complete now that you're here." I try to hold my emotions back because she just gave me the best compliment anyone has ever given me.

"It's easy when this pack is such an amazing group of people." I mean it. Our pack is one of the most organized and efficient packs I've seen. It makes me even prouder of Aidan knowing he help build it up to what it is today.

We make it back to the field in what feels like only a few minutes. Time really does pass by quicker when you talk to someone. Emeric instructs everyone to pick a partner. I move to go to the front by Emeric assuming they all have their usual partners. A hand grabs my wrist in a light hold. I spin around to see Annabella looking embarrassed.

"Could you be my partner?" Her cheeks are red and she looks around at the rest of the warriors already working in pairs. I follow her gaze to see there is no one to be her partner.

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