Marry Me Instead

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Jeongguk and Taehyung had been friends for 18 years. In those times, Taehyung had learned that he loved the younger but he was getting married soon to Namjoon, his three-year boyfriend. Taehyung could only smile and hope for the best for the both of them.

He even helps with the wedding preparations: from the invitations, to the venue and, the after party. After all, that's what best friends do, right?

A few days before the wedding, Jeongguk found out that Namjoon had been unfaithful with him to a guy named Jimin. Jeongguk calls the wedding off and tells Taehyung the bad news.

"No, don't cancel the wedding."

"But why, hyung? He cheated on me."

Taehyung gets down on bended knee and offers a beautiful sapphire ring in front of Jeongguk, he says, "Marry me instead."    

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