Other Life

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Taehyung sighs happily as he closes the book as he finishes reading the story to his four-year-old daughter her favorite bedtime story, after which they talk about ghosts and monsters and other mythical creatures.

Taehyung watches as the gleam in her eyes are very much like Jungkook's. Due to unstable birthing, Jungkook decided that it would be best for him to leave this life so that his daughter could grow up and live happily in his place. Up until now, it still breaks Taehyung's heart to think Jungkook is gone.

"Daddy, I'm not scared of ghosts!" Taegeuk proudly says, Taehyung chuckles and asks, "Why's that?"

She giggles when she turns her head to look to the right, Taehyung looks as well but sees nothing. He turns back to her daughter, the smile on her face never fading as she continued to stare into her side. She speaks, "Because mommy says he's here to protect me."

There, Taehyung knew that Jungkook is still with them in his other life.

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