Chapter 4

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Okay this is really short but i just wanted to put it up because it helps explain the next chapter :)

soo you guys know what to do if you like!!

thanks for reading!!!



"I'll be seeing you very soon Anna" he said

I could see Sasha over his shoulder assessing our body language.  

I quickly pulled my arm away from him and mumbled;


I walked away from him saying I wouldn't see him again for the rest of the day.

Boy was I wrong



As I was making my way to my first class, which was AP English, I was thinking of ways to get transferred into all of Anna's classes.

Anna. Just thinking about my angel sent a warm tingle all throughout my body. I finally found the girl I'm supposed to be with, my mate.

Just as I was sitting down, a hand was laid on my shoulder and I could only compare the warm hand gripping onto his to Anna's cold and inviting one.

"heyy babe, if you need to find someone to help you find your way around here, I'm open" Sasha said to me. I fought the urge to throw her across the room because she was practically sitting in my lap.

Can't she see that I am completely in love with Anna? Is it really not that obvious? I thought it was but maybe my wolf didn't completely come out.

I was about to reply when my heart gave a panicked tug. I was instantly alert, It was as if it was happening to me but I saw no reason to panic. Then I remembered the old stories


Nobodys POV

"Mommy, Mommy tell me a bed time story." Little 4-year-old Luke pleaded his mother.

"Haha okay Lukey, I'm going to tell you a story about true mates, or materia in our native language." She said as she laid her son in his bed.

"in the older times of the world, when our ancestors roamed freely as wolves in front of the humans, there was a common thing called vare materia or true mates." She started off, seeing Luke watch with such interest that she immediately went on.

"These true mate bondings happened frequently, for the old times were full of powerful magic that only werewolves could obtain. When you were bonded with your true mate you and your mate get a power that normal mates don't have such as being able to tell where they are at all times, how they feel, and many more." She said watching her sons eyelids droop.

"that's enough for tonight son, well finish this story another night. I love you"

"love you to mommy" luke said sleepily

'If only he knew about the prophecy that he and his vera mateia were in and how much danger would come after him' she thought sadly

---End of Flashback---

Could Anna be my..

OH NO ANNAS IN TROUBLE!!!! I immediately stood up, causing Sasha to fall on her butt, and I would have laughed at the pissed off expression on her face if I wasn't so worried about Anna.

I ran out of the classroom, furious at the fact that I had to use human speed so they wouldn't have suspected me.

"Mr. Smith get back here I am not through with this lecture, your adolescent behavior will reflect on your grades MR.SMITH!!!" I hear Ms. what's-her-face call after me. I couldn't care less about the teacher right now

My focus was on finding Anna

And then ripping apart anything that threatened her.

Just the thought of someone harming a hair on her head gave me a furious calm.  

I had to find her, what was it the stories said? Concentrate on being with your mate and you will know where they are.

He took a deep (almost) calming breath and centered himself. Just like after a transformation, he told himself. He focused on Anna, her wonderful scent,her beautiful face, her melodious voice. Then he found her.

She was in the cafeteria

And she wasn't alone.

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