Chapter 2: How It All Began Pt.2

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Britlyn's POV*

       I had received an invitation earlier this evening at my new home in this small and peculiar town. I had planned on moving in a few weeks if I hadn't found the anonymous vampire who turned me.

      This random invitation proclaimed that I be at the Mikaelson Manor for tea, discussion, and company.

      Once I arrived I was immediately greeted with three lovely smiles and I automatically sensed that all of them were dead. Or at least they were technically dead. We all sat down in peace and once the tea was served, conversation immediately consumed us all.

       After seeing Niklaus flirt with every server and every woman who passed us in their home, I presumed that he must have been a player, or just loved the attention.

     "So do you just flirt with all of these women, Niklaus?" I asked sarcastically.
Knowing it's better to make friends with the vampires around, if not, how could you make sure you'll always have a backbone to lean on?

    "Oh of course love, how can one not when all this town is, is mysterious creatures presumed as women?" He smirked.

    "Mysterious creatures? Have you ever met a real proper lady, Mr. Mikaelson?" I giggled.

    "Is it rude if I say I haven't?" His smirk widened.

    "You're a punk you know that? What about me?" My smile was wider than it had been in a while. Like a breath of fresh air.

     "Right, I forgot about how real and proper you have been." He quirked a brow, then raised his finger to his lips to show that he was thinking.

     "Well, I have it. You aren't a proper lady. After all you are a vampire love." His smirk was so vibrant, that it was prominent that I wasn't just here for tea with a Mikaelson Prince, or the Mikaelson family.

      My face instantly dropped and I told myself to not falter, to be strong, and to never forget that my brothers are alive, and if I want to watch them from a distance, I have to be relatively alive as well.

     "Darling, don't be so sure. After all, I hold many a secret inside," I chuckled, and sat my cup down gently.
My arms broadening and laying against the chair with my chest tightened and legs crossed.

      I leaned forward, never breaking eye contact,   "be careful laddie. Wouldn't want the Queen of England to notice her prince is missing." I spoke in a faux British accent. I knew he wasn't a Prince, he must have been one a few hundred years ago, and if he were a prince, it must have been to a pitiful city.

     "Watch your tone." He growled, slowly sitting up, making it to where we were only a foot away from each other.

     "Well I see the polite approach didn't work out." The other male, Elijah, mumbled softly.

     "Nik, don't be rude. We were not to be hateful with the guest. If she says she's otherwise, the key word is trust." Rebekah rolled her eyes and took a long drink of her tea.

     "Oh I'm a vampire," I said smugly, slowly sinking back into the red velvet and gold chair.

     "but only half." My smile was fake, but I had to keep them interested and provoked to know they were on their toes, I can't die today but I need to make myself clear that I shouldn't be messed with.

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