Chapter 7: The Ritual

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Britlyn's POV*

     "Niklaus you can't just do this to these people! These young people who have not yet seen the world!" I shouted as he was waltzing around the rings of fire in a triumphant path.

     "Oh yes I can love. I can and I will. They were always apart of something bigger. This is their greater purpose. To fulfill my passage on the way to becoming an Original Hybrid of werewolf and vampire." He smirked.

     "But there are other ways!" I screamed.

      I didn't quite know what it meant but I was going to continue.

     "Witchcraft! It may be dark, deep rooted magic but you can always find a way. I can help you! Just don't hurt them! They deserve to live. You can't just go about killing innocents like this, they don't know what's going on!" I shouted, tears escaping my eyes as I tried to fight for the humanity I knew was still inside.

     "Has it ever occurred to you that there is such thing as a point of no return. No redemption. I'm there, sweetheart. And if killing these low-life's to get what I've most desired since I knew about the curse, then I'm sure as hell going to do it. Now let's get it started, Greta, before someone does something reckless." He smirked, and walked back to the ignorant witch.

     "Niklaus!" I screamed an ear splitting howl that was so loud, people towns away would hear me. No one deserves this fate.

He should use me as a sacrifice.

Or drain the power from my body to overturn the curse so no one gets hurt.

Except for me.

     "You see, I hear this God awful yelling, but I can't seem to make out where it's coming from." He muttered grimly, his face turning into a meaningful pout.

     "Klaus, you can't do this. Okay? You can't." I heard a whining voice beside me say.

     "The lovely doppelgänger, what can I say besides, I can and I will." He stomped toward her in triumph.

     "What are you gonna do, huh? You've already got me here. Just kill me already." She spat.

{disclaimer; I'm not using the same dialogue because that's boring. And I'm an original, one and one, weirdo....See what I did there?}

     "Oh, sweetheart, I'm going to kill you. And then I might have a chat with Aunt Jenna, maybe stop by and say hello to young Jeremy, what is Alaric up to these days? Now that he can operate his own body and all." He chuckled sadistically.

     "Screw you, Klaus!" Elena hissed and went back to sulking in her ring.

     "You know, I always thought you were such a fucking asshole Niklaus, I just never thought that you'd be such a bitch." I growled.

      And then in one swift motion, he snapped my neck once more, after whispering that he had plans for me.

I entered the place that was vengeful and hateful.

The catacombs.

The voices were chanting spells in Latin that I had never heard of before.

They were whispering, "Welcome to The Catacombs, Britlyn. Descend into the deep pits of your worst nightmare."

It was never ending.

Everywhere I turned, there were flames and evil shadows.

There was no way out.

No where to run.

They kept shouting at me.





Over and over and over again.

What is going on?

Why is this happening to me?

People have snapped my neck before, I've died before, but I've always gone to the other side.

This was nothing like the other side.

"Get away from me!" I shouted, knowing it wouldn't change anything.

It wasn't going to change anything.

"What do you want from me?!?!!"

I wasn't getting answers, I was getting clawed at my various creatures that hid behind the shadows.

"LET ME OUT!!!!!" I exclaimed, hoping and praying that I had been in long enough for me to get brought back out.

      I was awakened by a jolt of electricity, which had me shouting, "Catacombs!" At the top of my lungs.

      I looked over and saw dead bodies scattering the ground, and Elena being drained of blood, by the Original asshat, Niklaus Mikaelson.

     "Niklaus! Get off of her!" I screamed, running towards the area.

      I was shoved away with the force of the other witch, and I glared her way.

    "This is the new order. Klaus is the new order." She smiled, and walked off.

What the hell is she?

A walking-talking robot or some shit?

     "I'm so tired of this." I grumbled and got up to see Elena, dropped on the ground, dead.

     "Well for fucks sake! I can't do anything right! I can't save the love of my brother's lives and I sure as hell can't save myself. Damn." I grimaced.


I'm so so sorry that this is a short chapter and it took me so long to update but I've been dealing with a lot of health issues recently so I had to update a short filler chapter to get to the next chapter which is a lot about The Catacombs and Niklaus. Even if it was short, I hope you enjoyed it.


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