Chapter 41: Just Don't Call That Asshole

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"Come on Em. You're not swopping apartments with Tyler for another day. You and Hunter have got to figure this out." Sky had just given me a lecture on why it's important to resolve my fight with Hunter. "You can't not speak to each other for a week!"

"I could go longer honestly."

"Emilia." Sky groaned, "Can you not swallow your pride and just go apologize that you wrongly accused him of cheating?"

"No! Not until he apologizes for standing me up and using my sister against me."

"Hell, you're stubborn. Can't you just talk it out then? Explain to each other why whatever happened... Happened?"

"Hold that thought." I said as I looked answered my phone, "What's up boss?"

"Do you think you could come in for a rehearsal now?" Theo pleaded.

"Sure. Give me a few minutes to grab my costume and then I'll leave."

"Thank you so much 'Milia! I'll see you soon."

"Who was that?" Skylar asked curiously once I ended the call.


"What does he want?" She growled.

I decided to have a bit of fun and tease her, "He wants to take me on a date."

"Nope! Not happening! I will call Hunter and get him to beat Theo up."

"Skylar! It was a joke! He just asked if I could come for a practice."

"Oh... Oops. Sorry." She looked down at her feet in embarrassment.

"It's okay but just don't call that asshole."

"He's still your boyfriend, Emilia."

"Yeah well that's only because Cass told us that she was lying."

"Come on, Em. You're being ridiculous. Just forgive him already!"

"I told you what he said and did. You'd react the exact same if Tyler did this to you and I would actually be nice enough to make Hunter move out for as long as you needed to be away from Tyler. After all we were supposed to be roommates."

"You're right. But I'd also like to think you'd push me to talk to my boyfriend."

"But you still wouldn't do it!" I countered. "Imagine how much easier life would have been if our rooms were just swopped."

"Em, don't say that." Sky pleaded with me. "I think you and Hunter would have found your way to each other eventually even if you weren't roommates."

"Well then maybe we should have taken that offer to move to the other apartment block." I crossed my arms defiantly.

"Emilia! Stop it!" I was shocked at Skylar's loud voice. We hardly ever fought let alone scream at each other, "You know this all would be so much easier if you could for once do something for Hunter and just tell him what happened to your sister!"

I stared at her, "You're taking his side?"

She groaned and tacked her hands through her hair and over her face, "There are no sides so don't create any. What he said was unnecessary and uncalled for but he should know what built you into who you are today."

I took a deep breath before admitting to Skylar, "I don't want him to know that part of me Sky. Hell, how long did it take for me to tell you?" She winced at the memory. "I just - I sometimes feel as if he knew what happened, he would look at me differently."

"I doubt he'll pity you. I'm sure he knows you well enough to know that you hate being pitied."

"It's not that, Sky. It's how he might think that my family's fucked up and he wants nothing to do with such complicated shit. He seems to be living a pretty damn near perfect life don't you think? I can't talk to someone that won't be able to relate to me. Not yet."

Skylar wrapped me in a hug, "Hunter likes you enough to not drop you because of something that happened almost ten years ago. He's already accepted all your wackiness, he'll accept your past"

"It makes me scared." I admitted.

"I haven't heard you say that in awhile, Em."

"I know." I sniffed to hold back tears.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you." She whispered.

"It's okay. Thank you for letting me use your place for a while but you can tell Tyler he can come home now." Sky stared at me sadly, "I've got to go get my costume for rehearsals."

Sky nodded and let me go, "Call me if you need anything. Please."

I nodded and left. While walking downstairs, I pulled out my phone and dialed my granddad.

"Hey sugar! Good to hear from you."

"Hey granddad. I was wondering if I could pop in later today?"

"A visit from my favorite grandchild? Who the heck could say no to that?"

I laughed softly, waiting outside my apartment door before going in, "I have play practice but I'll be there as soon as I'm done."

"Gives me enough time to whip up something. See you soon cupcake." And he ended the call.

No one was at my apartment according to Skylar, so I took the opportunity to pick up my costume and pack a bag for my grandad's house where I'd ask him to stay until Hunter and I could be in the same room again.

"Where are you going?"

I jumped at the sound of Hunter's voice. He was leaning against my doorframe but I refused to let him block my door so I shouldered my way out without answering him. His only response was a grunt, hopefully from pain. When I got to my car Skylar was there waiting for me.

"Are you running away from Hunter cause that's - "

"I told you I'm going to practice! Now I need to leave otherwise I'll be late."

"Hunter said you packed a bag."

I sighed deeply, "I'm staying with my grandad for a few days until I can actually stand the sight of Hunter."

"Is everything okay, Em?"

"Perfect." I said as a single tear slid down my cheek.

"I love you. Let me know if you need anything." Skylar looked like she was about to cry as well.

I nodded and started my car, "Oh and Sky, please don't tell Hunter where I'm going."

She nodded and then she started crying.

"I love you, Sky. I'll see you soon." I reached out my window to give her hand a squeeze.

She bit her lip to stop herself from crying. As I left the apartment block I turned my radio all the way up. Heartbreak anthems could get me through this.

I'm sorry :( Cass really brought up some issues for the both of them... Let's hope they can work it out. Thanks for the 100 votes 🙈😭❤️

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