Chapter 3

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THE TWINS WERE with their study group and apparently they were going to be there long so they told you to eat dinner without them. You were in no mood to cook so you went to this vegan bistro just a few blocks away from the school and only a three-minute walk back to the apartment.

The twins would kill you for not going straight home, but it wasn't like you could get lost, and the friendly staff already knew you as a regular. Nothing could go wrong.

But you seemed to be a magnet for trouble.

Thanking the waiter, you exited the bistro and started walking, only for someone to glomp you from behind, fingers gently squeezing your breast.

You shrieked and drew your elbow, stopping momentarily when you saw the blood that dripped from your assailant's hands, his knuckles were raw and grazed, pieces of skin gone.

"Please..." Voice was weak and out of breath, but you knew who it belonged to.

You reluctantly looked behind you; Luciano Vargas leaned on your back, his right eye was swelling and he had small cuts on his face.

You twisted your body and caught his shoulders. He wasn't wearing a jacket, his dress shirt was crumpled, and blood spread through his left pant leg. He was stabbed.

"Hold on, I'll call an ambulance" You reached into your purse but he seized your wrist and you gasped at his iron-grip.

"No ambulance. No hospitals... I can't be seen..." He whispered between heaves of breath; he's been running "I just... need to hide"

You stared at him, silently debating on what to do. You prided yourself for being sensible, and sensible people don't invite bleeding strangers into their homes, but how could you say no to this one? He saved you from a potential rapist and possibly stopped said asshole from killing your friend.

You clasped your hands together and stared at his thigh, "But your thigh—"

"It's not deep, I can deal with it later. Please, I just need... t-to hide. We have to hurry, he'll be here soon"

"Okay." You heeded. You searched your purse for your sunglasses and then handed them to Luciano. He looked at you but said nothing as he put the shades on.

You led him to the apartment, sneaking him into the back door near the emergency stairs. You peered in and saw that the security guards were busy talking with each other by the front entrance.

"Let's go" You pulled Luciano into the elevator, ordering him to lean in the corner as you smashed the close button, ignoring the other residents who waved their arms at you upon entering the building.

When you finally arrived in your unit, you helped Luciano to the couch, instructing him to lie down before you ran to retrieve the first aid kit.

"Is it okay if I cut your pants?"

He glanced at you, "Do you have a better way to clean my thigh?"

You flushed and used the scissors on the pant leg.

He sighed, "I'm sorry. It's just not my day today."

"I can see that." You carefully peeled the fabric away. He was right about the stab not being deep; the blade didn't penetrate more than an inch, nor did it hit bone, but it was still in danger of getting infected. "...Is it okay to ask how this happened?"

"Well, you could get killed for this so you have the right to know"

You hoped he was joking, but he gave no indication that he was so that got your nerves shaking.

The Boss (2P!Italy x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن